New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

All Chapter 3 Marks

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 04:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 285
    Answer All The Following Question:
    24 x 1 = 24
  1. Jaundice

  2. (1)


  3. Liver cirrhosis

  4. (2)

    Faeces retains in rectum

  5. Gall stone

  6. (3)


  7. Peptic ulcer

  8. (4)


  9. Carbohydrates 

  10. (5)


  11. Fats

  12. (6)

    Duct of rivinis

  13. Protein

  14. (7)

    Abnormal frequency of bowel movement and reduced.

  15. Intestinal juice

  16. (8)

    Oxyntic cells

  17. Parietal

  18. (9)

    Centre in medulla

  19. Peptic cells

  20. (10)

    Goblet cells

  21. Piles

  22. (11)

    50% of energy

  23. Bartholin's duct

  24. (12)


  25. B1 Thiamine

  26. (13)

    Zymogen cells

  27. B5 Niacin

  28. (14)

    Goblet cells

  29. B6 Pyridoxine

  30. (15)

    Liver is affected and bile pigments deposited in the body

  31. B12 Cobalamine

  32. (16)

    15% of energy

  33. Vomiting

  34. (17)

    Pernicious anaemia

  35. Constipation

  36. (18)


  37. Jaundice

  38. (19)

    35% of energy

  39. Diarrhoea

  40. (20)


  41. Nuclease

  42. (21)


  43. Mucus

  44. (22)


  45. Lysozyme

  46. (23)

    Succus entericus

  47. Succus entericus

  48. (24)

    Pernicious anaemia

    95 x 3 = 285
  49. Briefly discuss on five kingdom classification. Add a note on merits and demerits.

  50. Discuss in detail about the Bacterial Chromosome.

  51. Mention about Asexual Reproduction in fungi.

  52. Do you think shape of chloroplast is unique for algae? Justify your answer.

  53. List out the various types of vegetative reproduction seen in algae.

  54. List out the various asexual spores produced by algae.

  55. Draw a phylloclade and label the parts?

  56. Certain plants like Aloe and Agave can survive in extreme dry conditions. How?

  57. Differentiate between aggregate fruit with multiple fruit.

  58. Explain the different types of stigma with suitable example

  59. What is Floriculture ?

  60. Explain the different types of placentation with example.

  61. What is the role of national gardens in conserving biodiversity - Discuss.

  62. Draw the floral diagram and write the floral formula of Datura Metal.

  63. In which organelle of plant cell does the barcode genes are located? Name the genes.

  64. Distinguish between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

  65. What is Protoplasm Theory?

  66. Diffentiate between Endocytosis and Exocytosis.

  67. Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis.

  68. Given an account of G0 phase.

  69. Which is the stage where replication takes place?

  70. Why sibilings show disfmilarities?

  71. Explain the Michaelis-Menton Constant (km) with graphical representation.

  72. Write a short note on Waxes

  73. List any five salient features of the family Felidae.

  74. Distinguish between Family and Order

  75. What are the advantages of assigning nomenclature to organisms

  76. Compare Schizocoelom with enterocoelom.

  77. Concept Mapping - Use the following terms to create a concept map that shows the major characteristic features of the phylum nematoda:
    Round worms, pseudocoelomates, digestive tract, cuticle, parasite, sexual dimorphism.

  78. Name the Exoskeletal structures found in the following animals.

  79. Give a brief account on the features of cephalochordata.

  80. Differentiate between elastic fibres and elastic connective tissue.

  81. Name any four important functions of epithelial tissue and provide at least one example of a tissue that exemplifies each function.

  82. Explain Gap Junctions.

  83. List the unique features of cardiac muscles.

  84. Differentiate between peristomium and prostomium in earthworm.

  85. Head of cockroach is called hypognathous. Why?

  86. What is called mandibulate or orthopterus type of mouth parts?

  87. What is hepatic caecae?

  88. Bile juice contains no digestive enzymes, yet it is important for digestion. Why?

  89. List the chemical changes that starch molecule undergoes from the time it reaches the small intestine.

  90. Write on the secretions of the pancreas

  91. What happens when you have appendicitis?

  92. How the body make longterm adjustments when living in high altitude.

  93. Why is pneumonia considered a dangerous disease?

  94. Draw an oxygen dissociation curve.

  95. Write about the five primary functions of the respiratory system.

  96. Distinguish between arteries and veins.

  97. What are the heart sounds? When and how are these sounds produced?

  98. What is the advantage of completely separated circuits in circulation?

  99. Protein molecules of larger size can pass through the lymph vessel? Give reason.

  100. Name the three filtration barriers that solutes must come across as they move from plasma to the lumen of Bowman's capsule. What components of the blood are usually excluded by these layers?

  101. Which part of the autonomic nervous system is involved in micturition process?

  102. Why are Immunosuppressive drugs required for kidney transplantation?

  103. Name the composition of "Sebum"?

  104. Name the different types of movement

  105. How does an isometric contraction take place?

  106. Name the regions of the vertebral column and the number of vertebrae present in them

  107. Differentiate between A - band and I - band.

  108. Label the parts of the neuron.

  109. Why the limbic system called the emotional brain? Name the parts of it.

  110. What are the Ionic channels in the axolemma?

  111. Mention the functions of frontal and temporal lobes of the Brain.

  112. Pineal gland is an endocrine gland, write its role.

  113. Comment on the functions of adrenalin.

  114. What is Cushing's syndrome?

  115. Swathy comes to India from America through air after a long journey, she suffers with jetlag. Find out the reason.

  116. Give the economic importance of prawn fishery

  117. List any three common uses of shellac.

  118. Major carps are best-suited fishes for culture in India. Give reasons.

  119. Write about the objectives of animal breeding.

  120. How are fibres classified based on usage in daily life.

  121. What is Kranz sheath?

  122. A timber merchant bought 2 logs of wood from a forest & named them A & B, The log A was 50 year old & B was 20 years old. Which log of wood will last longer for the merchant? Why?

  123. List the differences between Vascular Cambium and Cork Cambium

  124. Differences Secondary Growth in Dicot Stem and Root

  125. What are the objections to Root pressure being a force for ascent of sap.

  126. Differentiable Active and Passive absorption of water.

  127. The nitrogen is present in the atmosphere in huge amount but higher plants fail to utilize it. Why?

  128. Why is that in certain plants deficiency symptoms appear first in younger parts of the plants while in others, they do so in mature organs?

  129. List the criteria for essential minerals.

  130. What is denitrification?

  131. Grasses have an adaptive mechanism to compensate photorespiratory losses. Name and describe the mechanism.

  132. Draw the structure of chloroplast and label two parts.

  133. List out Conclusions of Hill's Reaction

  134. What are enzymes involved in phosphorylation and dephosphorylation reactions in EMP pathways?

  135. Differentiate floating and protoplasmic respiration?

  136. Differentiate alcoholic ferentation and Lactic acid fermentation

  137. What is plasticity?

  138. What is sigmoid curve? Mention their phases

  139. Write the internal factors for condition of growth.

  140. How does a normal EEG appear?

  141. What is known as binaural stethoscope?

  142. If the heart beat goes down less than 60, what is the name of that condition?

  143. A person suffering from severe fever, head ach and fatigue so he visits his doctor. What type of diagnosing procedure does the doctor recommended for him. Name the medical equipment is used for it?


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