New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

+1 Public Exam March 2019 Important Creative 3 Mark Questions and Answers

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 02:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 600
    200 x 3 = 600
  1. Write a note Vaccum tube on.

  2. Define Transistor.

  3. What is Machine language?

  4. What is Robotics?

  5. What is Nano-technology?

  6. Define POST.

  7. Write the advantages of fingerprint scanner.

  8. Write a note on Touch Screen.

  9. Differentiate optical mouse and laser mouse.

  10. Define Hardware and software.

  11. Differentiate Impact Printers and Non-Impact Printers.

  12. Differentiate warm booting and cold booting?

  13. Define Keyer?

  14. Explain fingerprint scanner and retinal scanner?

  15. Define touch screen?

  16. Add 2010+2510

  17. Why is the number conversion necessary?

  18. (101010)2 \(\rightarrow \) (?10\(\rightarrow \) (?10)

  19. Describe the parameters are used to determine the value of each digit in a number.

  20. Perform the following expressions. (FACE)16 = (?)2

  21. What is MSB, LSB and Binary point? Give example.

  22. Write the three common ways of representing a signed binary number?

  23. Write the steps to find 2's complement

  24. Find the Answer the Following ; 10112   + 1112

  25. What is use of BCD?

  26. What are the important things to note about ASCII Code?

  27. Convert B2F16 to octal

  28. Add the binary numbers 1101012 and 1011112

  29. Subtract 101111 from 110101

  30. Name the different types of operations that can be performed in Binary arithmetics

  31. How will you convert decimal number into Octal number?

  32. Complete the Table
     1)  0 x 0 = _
     2)  1 x 1 =_​​​​​​​
     3)  1 x _= 0
     4)  _ x 0 = 0

  33. Complete the Table
    1) 0 \(\div \) _ = 0
    2) 0 \(\div \) 1 = _​​​​​​​
    3) 1 \(\div \) _​​​​​​​ = 1
    4)  0  \(\div \) 1 = _

  34. What is binary number system?

  35. Write the distributive law?

  36. What is truth table?

  37. Write the three main units of microprocessor.

  38. What is microprocessor? 

  39. What is Clock speed?

  40. List out the operation carried out by and Instruction set.

  41. What does word size determines? 

  42. What is the use of System Bus?

  43. What are the methods used to access the memory?

  44. Expand PROM, EPROM and EEPROM.

  45. Differentiate Primary Memory and secondary memory.

  46. Why Blu-Ray disc is developed ?

  47. Differentiate between CISC and RISC.

  48. Give examples of 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit Microprocessor.

  49. What is memory?

  50. What is meant by distributed computing?

  51. Differentiate Internet and Intranet.

  52. Write the usage of operating system.

  53. Write the types of Operating System?

  54. Write the objectives of operating system.

  55. Write few goals of scheduling.

  56. Explain Time sharing scheduling or priority scheduling.

  57. What does security management refers?

  58. What is the function of file management?

  59. Write a note of RTOS or Real time OS?

  60. Identify the functions of OS for the following statement.
    (a) Physical and virtual devices are maintained.
    (b) Partitioned allocation is one of the technique
    (c) Deadlock handling

  61. Write a short note on Interactive OS.

  62. What is an operating system and how are they classified based on Interaction?

  63. Write a note on BOSS.

  64. Write the classification of OS according to availability.

  65. How many ways the technique of multi programming can be done? What are they?

  66. Give an example of Real Time Processing.

  67. How is virtual memory is implemented?

  68. Write the memory management techniques.

  69. What is the use of control over system performance?

  70. What is protected by the security modules of an OS?

  71. Why modern OS use a GUI?

  72. Why the operating system is needed?

  73. Write a note on OS for mobile devices.

  74. Write the most popular operating systems.

  75. Differentiate between Windows 7 and Windows 8.

  76. Write a note on desktop.

  77. Write the graphical representation of disk drive icons.

  78. What is the difference between the application window and the document window?

  79. What is use of windows elements corners and borders?

  80. How will you delete files and folders?

  81. Write a note on Ubuntu OS.

  82. Name the methods followed while copying files and folders to removable disk.

  83. How will you create desktop shortcuts in windows?

  84. How will you renaming the files or folders?

  85. List out the important functions of an OS?

  86. How will you create a shortcuts on the desktop?

  87. What are the elements of Ubuntu?

  88. How will you construct an algorithm?

  89. How do you know whether the state changes in an algorithm?

  90. What is control flow?

  91. Name the control flow statements used in an algorithm.

  92. Name the basic principles and techniques for designing algorithms

  93. Write the goal of the algorithm.

  94. What should we know while designing algorithm.

  95. Differentiate initial and final state of an algorithm.

  96. Write a note on the parts of specification of an algorithm.

  97. Write the specification format of an algorithm for computing the square root of a number.

  98. Define the input-output relationship between the designer and user of the algorithm.

  99. What is the use of abstraction?

  100. What does the specification abstracts in an algorithm?

  101. Define state of an algorithm.

  102. Differentiate state and functions of an algorithm.

  103. How the assignment statement changes the state of an algorithm?

  104. Define Alternative control flow statement.

  105. What is Decomposition?

  106. Write the Iterative control flow statement.

  107. Define functions.

  108. Write the following
    (i) initial state
    (ii) final state.

  109. What are the compound statements?

  110. Wite a note on alternative statement?

  111. Define iterative statement?

  112. What are the notations used for expressing algorithms?

  113. Define Decomposition in defining algorithm.

  114. What is a function in defining algorithm?

  115. Write a note on Pseudo code.

  116. What are the disadvantage of using flowchart?

  117. Name the three control flow statement.

  118. How the sequential statement represented in a flowchart?

  119. Which variant of the alternative statement is called a conditional statement?

  120. Draw a flowchart for alternative control flow.

  121. Describe alternative statement.

  122. Describe conditional statement.

  123. Write an algorithm to find the minimum of two number.

  124. Describe iterative statement.

  125. Define iteration.

  126. Draw a flowchart that depicts iterative control flow.

  127. Draw the diagram flowchart for integar division.

  128. Explain conditional statement.

  129. Write a note on refinement.

  130. What is the use of repeating the same action again and again?

  131. Write a note on loop variant?

  132. How will you solve a problem using recursion?

  133. Show that p - c is an invariant of the assignment. P, C : = P + 1, C + 1

  134. Consider two variable m and n under the assignment m, n : = m + 3, n - 1. Is the expression m + 3n an invariant?

  135. What are the important points in which a loop variant is true?

  136. Using a loop variant how will you construct a loop?

  137. Write a note on Recursion.

  138. Write a note on Iteration.

  139. Write a note on history of C++.

  140. Write the rules for naming an identifier.

  141. Why the following identifiers are invalid? Give reason
    (i) num-add
    (ii) This
    (iii) 2myfile

  142. Tabulate the relational operator.

  143. Write a note on conditional operator.

  144. Write a note on input operator.

  145. Write a note an insertion or put to operator.

  146. Give the output, if the following statement is executed:
    C = (val +550 < 1700)? 200 : 400;
    if a. val = 1000
    b. val = 1500

  147. Indicate whether the following statements results in True or false.
    (i) 4 > 7 || 7 > 15
    (ii) 5 + 3 > 7 & & 7 > = 4 + 3
    (iii) ! (5 < 3)

  148. What is an operator? What are the three main types of operators? Name them.

  149. a. If a = 4, b = 3, find the value of c = a ++ * 6 + ++b * 5+ 10;
    b. if x = 4; find the value of a * = ++ a/6 + b++ %3;

  150. Rewrite the following program segment using if else statement.
    Com = (sales> 15000) ? sale A5/100 : 0;

  151. What are the characters used in C++?

  152. What is the use of assignment operators?

  153. What is association?

  154. What is the purpose of using "Using namespace std"; statement?

  155. Distinguish between a unary, a binary and a ternary operator? Give examples for each one at them?

  156. Given the following code segment
    int ch = 30;
    cout << ++ch;
    cout << ch;
    (i) What output does the above code Segment produce?
    (ii) What is the output of replacing ++ch with ch+1;

  157. What is the value of i after the following code segments executes?
    (1) int i =8; i>>=2;  
    (2) int i=17; i>>=1;

  158. What will be the result of a = 5/3 if a is
    (i) float
    (ii) int

  159. What type of constant are the following: 15, 012, 0 x 2B, 17, 014, "a"?

  160. What kind of program elements are the following: 13, 'b', 4.38, "b", main ()?

  161. State the escape sequences for horizontal tab and new line feed.

  162. Name two different styles of expressing a comment in C++ programing

  163. Define the term
    (i) Source code
    (ii) object code.

  164. What do you mean by type conversion? How is implicit conversion different from explicit conversion?

  165. Differentiate float type and double type intiatigations?

  166. What is an expression? 

  167. Name the type of error (syntax, runtime or logical & error) in each case given below:
    (i) Division by a variable that contains a value of 0
    (ii) Multiplication operator used when the operation should be division
    (iii) Missing Semicolon.

  168. Write a C++ program to find the sum of two integer numbers?

  169. Write a C++ program to get the following output format
    Enter a character: a
    The Next character: c

  170. Write a C++ program to find the area of circle?

  171. Write C++ program to sum the numbers from 1 to 10 using for loop.

  172. What do you know about switch statement?

  173. Write a C++ program to find sum of any 5 numbers.

  174. What is goto statement? Explain

  175. Differentiate break and continue statement.

  176. Write a note on isalpha() function.

  177. Write anote on isdigit ().

  178. What does the following function denotes?
    (1) display 0
    (2) display (x, y)
    (3) x=display 0
    (4) x=display(x, y)

  179. Write about strupr ( ) function.

  180. What are the rules followed by the function definition?

  181. What is the use of return statement?

  182. Write a C++ program to find area a circle.

  183. Which function is used to convert the given character into its uppercase? Give example.

  184. Write a short not on used defined function.

  185. Explain one-dlmenstional array with an example.

  186. What is the output of this program?
    of this program?
    #include< iostream >
    int main()
    { int hrs,mins,scs;
    int to seconds(Time now);
    int main 0
    Time t;
    cout <<"Total seconds << endl;
    return 0;·
    << toseconds(t)
    int toseconds(Time now)
    return 3600*now.hrs+60*now.ins+ seconds.

  187. Write a note on 2D array declaration.

  188. Differentiate implicit call and explicit call of involving parameterized constructor.

  189. What is copy constructor?

  190. When copy constructor is called?

  191. What is inline and outline member function?

  192. Write a short note on memory allocation of objects.

  193. What is the output of the following program:
    using namespace std;
    void print(int i)
    {cout << " it is Integer" << l << endl;}
    void print(double f)
    {cout << '' It is fioat" << f << endl;}
    void print(string c)
    {cout << '' it is string'' << c << endl;}
    int main 0 {
    print("Ten ");
    return 0;

  194. Write a short note on operator overloading.

  195. Why do you need for inheritance?

  196. Explain the uses of private, protected and public inheritance.

  197. In what situation shadowing base class function inderived class arises? How will you resolve the situation?

  198. Write the output of the following program.
    //Implementation of Single Inheritance using public
    visibility mode
    #include < iostream >
    using namespace std;
    class Shape
      int count;
      int width;
      int height;
      void setWidth(int w)
    void setHeight(int h)
    class Rectangle: publicShape
    int getArea()
    return (width * height);
    int main()
    Rectangle Rect;
    Rect.setWidth( 5);
    II Print the area of theobject.
    cour<< "Total area: "<< Rect.getArea() << endl;
    return ();

  199. Write the output of the following program.
    #include< iostream >
    using namespace std;
    class T
    int x;
      void foot()
      x = 6; // same as this->x = 6;
      this ->x = 5; // explicit use of this ->
      void foo(int x) // parameter x shadows the member
      with the same name
      this->x = x; // unqualified x refers to the
      parameter.'this->' required for disambiguation
      cout<< endl << x <<" "<x;
    int main()
    T t1,t2;

  200. Can a derived class get access privilege for a private member of the base class? If yes, how?


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