New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

11th Public Exam March 2019 Creative 5 Marks Questions Test

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 02:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 650
    130 x 5 = 650
  1. Explain any two input and output devices.

  2. Explain in detail the different types of Mouse.

  3. Explain Impact Printers with an Example.

  4. Explain booting of computer and its types.

  5. What are Registers? Explain the five Registers that are essential for instruction execution.

  6. What the Sixth generation computers could be defined as the era of intelligent computers?

  7. Explain input devices of a computer?

  8. Explain Unicode.

  9. What is number system? Describe different number systems in detail.

  10. Explain the following terms in detail. (1) ASCII (2) BCD (3) EBCDIC

  11. Write the steps for converting Decimal to Binary numbers.

  12. Convert the Following (101011001)2 \(\rightarrow \) (?16) = (?)8

  13. Convert the following Decimal numbers to its equivalent Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal. - 126

  14. Convert the given Binary number into its equivalent Decimal, Octal and Hexadecimal number - 1011010

  15. Convert the following Octal numbers into Binary numbers. - 472

  16.  Explain the different types of number systems?

  17. Explain the binary addition and binary subtraction.

  18. Explain the classification of Microprocessor based on Instruction set?

  19. Define the following. (a) Bus (b) Data bus (c) Address bus (d) Control Bus

  20. Explain any three secondary storage devices.

  21. Explain the ports and interfaces.

  22. Explain the flash memory devices and BIu-ray disc.

  23. Explain the data communication between CPU and memory.

  24. Explain the secondary storage devices.

  25. Explain the cache memory.

  26. Explain memory management techniques.

  27. Explain the following in detail.
    (a) FIFO (b) SJF (c) Round Robin

  28. Explain the classification of proprietary licensed OS.

  29. Explain the classification of Opensource OS

  30. Write six uses of operating system.

  31. Write a note on iOS - iphone OS.

  32. What is a software? Explain its types in detail.

  33. Write the important functions of an operating system?

  34. What are the functions of Windows Operating system.

  35. Write the action and reaction of using mouse.

  36. Explain the different types of icons of windows desktop

  37. Explain the elements of Windows.

  38. Explain how will you find a file or folder in Windows.

  39. Explain the different methods of renaming files and folders.

  40. Explain the different methods of moving files and folders in windows.

  41. Explain the methods followed while copying files and folders to removable disk.

  42. Explain the procedure of shutting down or logging of computer.

  43. Write the significant features of Ubuntu OS.

  44. Explain the most common indicators in Ubuntu OS menu bar.

  45. Explain the elements of Ubuntu.

  46. Discuss about the mouse actions.

  47. How will you copying files and folders to removable disk?

  48. Explain in detail how will you construct an algorithm. Whatever with in ( )

  49. Explain the types of control flow statements.

  50. Explain how will you design algorithms.

  51. Explain the three control flow statement.

  52. Explain Algorithm Design Techniques.

  53. Explain the specification format.

  54. Explain the three notations for representing algorithms.

  55. Explain the types of symbols used in flowchart in detail.

  56. Explain case analysis in detail with an example.

  57. Construct an iterative algorithm to find quotient and remainder of two integer division.

  58. Write an algorithm to test whether a triangle is right-angled are not.

  59. Write the disadvantages of flowcharts.

  60. Explain the sequential statement in detail with the diagram.

  61. Write a note on case analysis.

  62. What is a functions? Explain in detail.

  63. Draw the flowchart for Eat breakfast.

  64. Explain how will you solve a problem recursively.

  65. Explain the outline of recursive problem-solving technique.

  66. Explain Loop invariant with a neat diagram.

  67. Give an example for loop invariant.

  68. Customers are waiting in a line at a counter. The man at the counter wants to know how many customers are waiting in the line.

  69. Explain any five familion applications developed by C++?

  70. Differentiate C and C++.

  71. Write the benefits of C++;

  72. Explain the types of integer constants.

  73. Explain increment and decrement operator with an example.

  74. Explain the uses of logical operators in C++.

  75. Explain logical bitwise operator with an example.

  76. Explain Bitwise Shift operator with an example.

  77. Explain the punctuators used in C++.

  78. Explain the steps in creating and executing C++ program.

  79. Write a C++ program to find the perimeter and area of a Semicircle.

  80. Explain any five type of expression used in C++ Give an example for each.

  81. Write a program to find the area, perimeter and diagonal of a rectangle.

  82. Write a program to find the difference between Simple Interest and Compound Interest when Principal, Rate and Time are given, (principal = 500, Rate = 10, Time = 2).

  83. Write a program that computer sum of three given numbers and find the largest of the three.

  84. Write a C++ program to convert a Celsius 100°C to Fahrenheit;

  85. Write a program in C++ to accept the number of days and display the result after converting into a number of years, number of months and the remaining number of days.

  86. Write a program to accept perpendicular and base of a right angles triangle. Calculate and display hypotenuse, area, and perimeter of the triangle.

  87. Write a program in C++ to accept Employee number and Basic pay. Find the gross pay of an employee for the following allowances and deduction. Use meaningful variables:
    Dearness Allowance = 25% of Basic pay
    House Rent Allowance = 15% of Basic pay
    Provident Fund = 8.33% of Basic pay
    Net pay = Basic Pay +Dearness Allowance +House Rent Allowance
    Gross pay = Netpay - provident fund

  88. Evaluate the following C++ expressions where a,b,c are integers and d,e,f are floating point numbers, where a=5, b=3 and d =1.5
    (i) f = a+b/a
    (ii) c = (a++) * d+a
    (iii) c = d * a+b
    (iv) c = a - (b++) * (- -d)
    (v) (++b)*b-a

  89. a. Write a program to convert the temperature from Fahrenheit to celsius
    b. Write a program to find the volume of a sphere Volume of a sphere= 4/3\(\pi \)r3

  90. Write the syntax of if nested inside both if part and else part

  91. Write the rules following while using switch-case in C++.

  92. Explain switch-case with an example.

  93. What are difference the between if-else and switch.

  94. Explain Nested switch with an example.

  95. Explain for loop with an example.

  96. Write the syntax of Nested loop using. (i) for (ii) while (iii) do-while

  97. What are the part of a loop? Binary explain 

  98. Draw the flowchart that shows the working procedure of.
    (i) if nested inside if part
    (ii) if nested inside else part
    (iii) if nested inside both if part and else part

  99. Explain call by reference or address method with suitable example.

  100. Explain Inline function with an example

  101. Explain the use of scope resolution operator with an example

  102. Write a C++ program to read the marks of 10 students in an array and to find the average of all those marks.

  103. Write a C++ profram to input 10 values in an array and count the number of odd and even numbers.

  104. Write a C++ program to input 10numbers in onedimensional array and search the given number in an array using linear search Techinique.

  105. Write a C++ program to find whether a given string is a palindrome or not.

  106. Write a C++ program to perform addition of two matrices.

  107. Write a C++ program to display the contents of the following structure definition.

  108. Write C++ program to show how the strucrures can be returned from a function.

  109. Write the important features of object oriented programming.

  110. Explain the main features of OOPs.

  111. Write the advantages and disadvantages of OOPs.

  112. Explain the types of access specifiers used in C++.

  113. Explain the different methods of creating an object in C++.

  114. Write a C++ program example of creating global and local object

  115. Write a C++ program to find square and cube of a number showing the use of nesting of members functions.

  116. Explain the scope resolution operator with an example.

  117. Explain how the objects can be passed in pass by value method.

  118. Explain how the objects can be passed in pass reference method.

  119. What is containership write a C++ program to illustrate the containership

  120. Write the output of the following program.
    #include < iostream >
    using namespcae std;
    class simple
    int a,b;
    simple(int m, int n)
    cout << "\nParameterized Constructor of classsimple" << endl;
    void putdata( )
    cout << "\nThe two integers are ..." << a <<"\t << b << endl;
    cout << "\nThe sum of the variables " << a << " + " << b << "=" << a+b;
    int main( )
    simple s1(10,20),s2(30,45);//Created two objects with different values created
    cout << "\n\t\tObject 1\n";
    s 1.putdata( );
    cout << "\n\t\tObject 2\n";
    s2.putdata( );
    return 0;

  121. Write the output of the following program
    #include < iostream >
    using namespcae std;
    class simple
    int a,b;
    simple( )
    cout << "\n Constructor of class-simple";
    void getdata( )
    cout << "\nEnter value for a and b (sample data 6 and 7)...";
    cin >> a >> b;
    void putdata( )
    cout << "\nThe two integers are ... " << a << 't\' << b << endl;
    cout << "\nThe sum of the variables" << a << " + " << b << "=" << a+b;
    int main ( )
    simple s;
    s.getdata( );
    s.putdata( );
    return 0;

  122. Write the output of the following program
    #include < iostream >
    using namespcae std;
    class simple
    int a,b;
    simple(int m, int n=100) //default argument
    cout << "\n Parameterized Constnictor with default argument" << endl;
    void putdata( )
    cout << "\nThe two integers are " << a <<'\t' << b << endl;
    cout << "\nThe sum of the variables" << a << "+" << b << " = " << a+b;
    int main( )
    simple s1(10,20), s2(50);
    cout << "\n\t\tObject 1 with both values \n";
    s1.putdata( );
    cout << "\n\t\tObject 2 with both values \n";
    s2.putdata( );
    return 0;

  123. Write the output of the following program.
    #include < iostream >
    using namespcae std;
    class simple
    int a,b;
    simple( ) //default constructor
    cout << "\n default constructor" << endl;
    int getdata( );
    int simple :: getdata( )
    { int tot;
    cout << "\nEnter two values";
    cin >> a >> b;
    return tot;
    int sum=0;
    simple s 1[3];
    cout << "\n\t\tObject 1 with both values \n";
    for(int i=0;i<3 ;i++)
    sum+=s 1[i].getdata( );
    cout << "\nsum of all object value is'
    return 0;

  124. Write the output for the following program.
    #include < iostream >
    using namespcae std;
    class Test
    Test (int, int); //parameterized constructor declaration
    Test (Test &); //Declaration of copy constructor to initialize data members.
    void Display( );
    };//End of class
    Test:: Test(int a, int b) //Definition of parameterized constructor.
    Thet: :Test(Test &T) //Definition of copy constructor
    void Test:: Displayt// !Definition of Display ( ) member function
    cout << endl << "X; " << X;
    cout << endl << "Y; " << Y << endl;
    int main ( )
    Test Tl (10,20);/ /Parameterized Constructor automatically called when //object is created.
    cout << endl << "T1 Object:" << endl;
    cout << "Value after initialization: "
    T1.Display( );
    Test T2(T1);//Initalize object with other object using copy constructor
    cout << endl << "T2 Object:" << endl;
    cout << "Value after initialization: "
    T2.Display( );
    return 0;

  125. Write a c++ program to find Addition and Subtraction of complex number using operator overloading.

  126. Write a C++ program to concatenate two strings using operator overloading.

  127. Explain social engineering with an example.

  128. Write the reasons. now websites typically use cookies.

  129. Explain the different types of encryption.

  130. Explain the function of digital signature.


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