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11th Standard English Medium Accountancy Subject Capital and Revenue Transactions Book Back 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10

    Part I

    5 x 2 = 10
  1. State whether the following are capital, revenue or deferred revenue expenditure.
    i) Carriage of Rs.1,000 spent on machinery purchased and installed.
    ii) Office rent paid Rs.2,000.
    iii) Wages of Rs.5,000 paid to machine operators.
    iv) Hire charges for the use of motor vehicle, hired for five years, but paid yearly.

  2. Classify the following expenses as capital or revenue.
    i) The sum of Rs.3,200 has been spent on a machine as follows:
    a) Rs.2,000 for additions to double the output.
    b) Rs.1,200 for repairs necessitated by negligence.
    ii) Overhauling expenses of Rs.25,000 for the engine of a motor car to get better fuel efficiency.

  3. What is meant by revenue expenditure?

  4. What is capital profit?

  5. What is meant by deferred revenue expenditure?


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