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11th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 45

    3 Marks

    15 x 3 = 45
  1. Briefly discuss on five kingdom classification. Add a note on merits and demerits.

  2. Do you think shape of chloroplast is unique for algae? Justify your answer.

  3. Differentiate between aggregate fruit with multiple fruit.

  4. Explain the different types of placentation with example.

  5. What is the role of national gardens in conserving biodiversity - Discuss.

  6. Distinguish between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

  7. Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis.

  8. Given an account of G0 phase.

  9. A timber merchant bought 2 logs of wood from a forest & named them A & B, The log A was 50 year old & B was 20 years old. Which log of wood will last longer for the merchant? Why?

  10. The nitrogen is present in the atmosphere in huge amount but higher plants fail to utilize it. Why?

  11. Why is that in certain plants deficiency symptoms appear first in younger parts of the plants while in others, they do so in mature organs?

  12. Explain the insectivorous mode of nutrition in angiosperms?

  13. Grasses have an adaptive mechanism to compensate photorespiratory losses. Name and describe the mechanism.

  14. What are enzymes involved in phosphorylation and dephosphorylation reactions in EMP pathways?

  15. What is plasticity?


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