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11th Standard English Medium Biology (Botany) Subject Creative 2 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50

    2 Marks

    25 x 2 = 50
  1. What are coprophilic Fungi?

  2. Why are club fungi so called?

  3. Name some toxins produced by fungi.

  4. Define the role of algal partner or phycobiont in a lichen.

  5. What are the animal diseases of viral disese?

  6. Write about three domains of classification.

  7. Mention various types of fungal reproduction.

  8. How milk is changed into curd, if a few drops of curd is added to it? What is the reason for its sourness?

  9. What is Porin? How it helps the bacteria?

  10. Name few fungal diseases in plants.

  11. How are Bryophytes classified?

  12. What are fossils?

  13. What are Bryophytes?

  14. What is an open vascular bundle?

  15. Mention salient features of Root System.

  16. Describe about Foliage leaves.

  17. Mention various types of stem seen in angiosperms.

  18. What are creepers? Give example

  19. What are the two processes necessary for the development of fruits?

  20. What is persistent calyx?

  21. Write a note on Pome fruit.

  22. Write the binomials of any three food plants in Fabaceae.

  23. Mention three salient features of Solanaceae

  24. Mention the step of Preparation of plant specimen.

  25. Write the floral formula of Pisum Satinum


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