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11th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Book Back 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 75

    3 Marks

    25 x 3 = 75
  1. Compare Schizocoelom with enterocoelom.

  2. List the characteristic features that distinguish cartilaginous fishes with living jawless fishes.

  3. Name any four important functions of epithelial tissue and provide at least one example of a tissue that exemplifies each function.

  4. Differentiate between peristomium and prostomium in earthworm.

  5. Differentiate between tergum and a sternum.

  6. How do proteins differ from fats in their energy value and their role in the body?

  7. Which of these functions could or could not be carried out by a red blood cell? Briefly justify your answer.
    a. Protein synthesis
    b. Cell division
    c. Lipid synthesis
    d. Active transport


    Protein synthesis


    Cell division


    Lipid synthesis


    Active transport

  8. Name the three filtration barriers that solutes must come across as they move from plasma to the lumen of Bowman's capsule. What components of the blood are usually excluded by these layers?

  9. In which segment of the nephron most of the re-absorption of substances takes place?

  10. If the afferent arteriole of the nephron constricts, what happens to the GFR in that nephron? If the efferent arteriole constricts what happens to the GFR in that nephron? Assume that no auto regulation takes place.

  11. Name the different types of movement

  12. Name the bones of the skull.

  13. Label the parts of the neuron.

  14. What is ANS? Explain the components of ANS.

  15. Classify receptors based on type of stimuli

  16. Hormones are known as chemical messenger. Justify.

  17. Write the symptoms of cretinism

  18. Pineal gland is an endocrine gland, write its role.

  19. Predict the effects of removal of pancreas from the human body.

  20. Write a detailed account of gastro intestinal tract hormones.

  21. What are the main duties of a worker bee?

  22. Give the economic importance of prawn fishery

  23. List any three common uses of shellac.

  24. Explain the working of MRI

  25. A person suffering from severe fever, head ach and fatigue so he visits his doctor. What type of diagnosing procedure does the doctor recommended for him. Name the medical equipment is used for it?


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