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11th Standard English Medium Biology (Zoology) Subject Neural Control and Coordination Book Back 1 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 5

    1 Marks

    5 x 1 = 5
  1. Which of the following statements is wrong regarding conduction of nerve impulse?


    In a resting neuron, the axonal membrane is more permeable to K+ ions and nearly impermeable to Na+ ions.


    Fluid outside the axonal has a high concentration of Na+ ions and low concentration of K+, in a resting neuron.


    Ionic gradients are maintained by Na+ K+ pumps across the resting membrane, which transport 3Na ions outwards for 2K+ into the cell


    A neuron is polarized only when the outer surface of the axonal membrane possess a negative a charge and its inner surface is positively charged

  2. All of the following are associated with the myeline sheath except.


    Faster conduction of nerve impulses


    Nodes of Ranvier forming gaps along the axon


    Increased energy output for nerve impulse conduction


    Saltatory conduction of action potential

  3. Several statements are given here in reference to cone cells Which of the following option indicates all correct statements for cone cells? Statements
    (i) Cone cells are less sensitive in bright light than Rod cells
    (ii) They are responsible for colour vision
    (iii) Erythropsin is a photo pigment which is sensitive to red colour light
    (iv) They are present in the fovea of retina


    (iii), (ii) and (i)


    (ii), (iii) and (iv)


    (i), (iii) and (iv)


    (i), (ii) and (iv)

  4. Which of the following statement concerning the somatic division of the peripheral neural system is incorrect?


    Its pathways innervate skeletal muscles


    Its pathways are usually voluntary


    Some of its pathways are referred to as reflex arcs


    Its pathways always involve four neurons

  5. When the potential across the axon membrane Is more negative than the normal resting potential, the neuron is said to be in a state of ______.










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