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11th Standard English Medium Business Maths Subject Correlation and Regression Analysis Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Business Maths

Time : 00:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 25
    5 x 5 = 25
  1. For the given lines of regression 3X – 2Y = 5 and X – 4Y = 7. Find
    (i) Regression coefficients
    (ii) Coefficient of correlation

  2. The heights ( in cm.) of a group of fathers and sons are given below

    Heights of fathers: 158 166 163 165 167 170 167 172 177 181
    Heights of Sons: 163 158 167 170 160 180 170 175 172 175

    Find the lines of regression and estimate the height of son when the height of the father is 164 cm.

  3. The following data relate to advertisement expenditure(in lakh of rupees) and their corresponding sales( in crores of rupees)

    Advertisement expenditure  40 50 38 60 65 50 35
    Sales 38 60 55 70 60 48 30

    Estimate the sales corresponding to advertising expenditure of Rs. 30 lakh.

  4. For 5 observations of pairs of (X, Y) of variables X and Y the following results are obtained. ΣX = 15, ΣY = 25, ΣX2 = 55, ΣY2 = 135, ΣXY = 83. Find the equation of the lines of regression and estimate the values of X and Y if Y = 8; X = 12.

  5. A random sample of recent repair jobs was selected and estimated cost, actual cost were recorded.

    Estimated cost 30 45 80 25 50 97 47 40
    Actual cost 27 48 73 29 63 87 39 45

    Calculate the value of spearman’s correlation.


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