New ! Computer Applications MCQ Practise Tests

11th Standard English Medium Computer Applications Subject Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Applications

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 125

    5 Marks

    25 x 5 = 125
  1. Suppose a number system has been designed with radix 10 with symbols (ordered from small to large) A, B, C, D, G, H, I, L, M, N. Convert the following number to equivalent hexadecimal number; (lNDIAN)1O

  2. Explain the following terms in detail. (1) ASCII (2) BCD (3) EBCDIC

  3. Write the steps for converting Decimal to Binary numbers.

  4. Convert the Following - (3674)8 \(\rightarrow \) (?2) = (?)10

  5. Identify the number system for the following numbers.

  6. Convert the following Octal numbers into Binary numbers. - 62478

  7. Explain the classification of Microprocessor based on Instruction set?

  8. Explain RAM in detail.

  9. Explain memory management techniques.

  10. Explain the classification of Opensource OS

  11. Write the important functions of an operating system?

  12. Write the action and reaction of using mouse.

  13. Explain the elements of Windows.

  14. Explain the different ways of finding a file or Folder.

  15. Explain the different methods of moving files and folders in windows.

  16. Explain the cursor movement keys used in Openoffice Writer document.

  17. Explain how move and copy the text in the document.

  18. Explain the types of indenting the text.

  19. Explain the steps to find and replace the text in writer.

  20. Explain the steps to insert a special character in a writer.

  21. Explain how will you cut, copy and Paste data in a worksheet.

  22. Explain how will you insert a function using Direct Insert method.

  23. Explain the steps to create a presentation by selecting on empty presentation.

  24. Explain the purposes served by outline view in Impress.

  25. Explain the advantages of email.


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