New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

11th Standard English Medium Computer Science Subject Arrays and Structures Creative 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 25

    5 Marks

    5 x 5 = 25
  1. Write a C++ program to input 10numbers in onedimensional array and search the given number in an array using linear search Techinique.

  2. Write a C++ program to perform addition of two matrices.

  3. Write C++ program to show how the strucrures can be returned from a function.

  4. Write C++ program to sort words in dictionary order.

  5. Write output of the following program.
    struct Student
    int age;
    float height, weight;
    struct dob
    int date;
    char month[4];
    int year;
    void main( )
    cout < < " Enter the age:" < < endl;
    cin > > mahesh.age;
    cout < < "Enter the height:" < < endl;
    cin> > mahesh.height;
    cout < < "Enter the weight:" < < endl;
    cin < < mahesh. weight;
    cout < < "The Date of birth:" < < endl;
    cout < <  " Enter the day:" < < endl;
    cin > >;
    cout < < "Enter the month:"«endl;
    cin > > mahesh.dob.month;
    cout < < "Enter the year:" < < endl;
    cin > > mahesh.dob.year;
    cout < < "The values entered for Age, height and weightare" < < endl;
    cout-ccmahesh.age < < "\t" < < mahesh.height < < "\t" < < mahesh.weight < < endl;
    cout < < "His date of Birth is:" < < endl < < < < "-" < < mahesh.dob.
    month < < "-" < < mahesh.dob.year;


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