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11th Standard English Medium Computer Science Subject Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 125

    5 Marks

    25 x 5 = 125
  1. Discuss the various generations of computers.

  2. Write the procedure to convert fractional Decimal to Binary.

  3. Find 1's Complement and 2's Complement for the following Decimal number.
    (i) -98
    (ii) -135

  4. Subtract 11010112 - 1110102

  5. How AND and OR can be realized using NAND and NOR gate

  6. Explain the characteristics of a microprocessor.

  7. Arrange the memory devices in ascending order based on the access time.

  8. Explain the concept of a Distributed Operating System along with its advantages.

  9. Explain advantages and disadvantages of open source operating systems.

  10. Explain the versions of Windows Operating System.

  11. Observe the figure and mark all the window elements, Identify the version of the Windows Os.

  12. Write the specification of an algorithm hypotenuse whose inputs are the lengths of the two shorter sides of a right angled triangle, and the output is the length of the third side.

  13. Exchange the contents: Given two glasses marked A and B. Glass A is full of apple drink and glass B is full of grape drink. For exchanging the contents of glasses A and B, represent the state by suitable variables, and write the specification of the algorithm.

  14. Circulate the contents: Write the specification and construct an algorithm to circulate the contents of the variables A, B and C as shown below: The arrows indicate that B gets the value of A, C gets the value of B and A gets the value of C.

  15. Trace the step-by-step execution of the algorithm for factorial(4).
    --inputs: n is an integer, n > 0
    -- outputs: f = n!
    f, i := 1 ,1
    while i < nf
    , i := f × i, i+1

  16. Write about Binary operators used in C++.

  17. Assume a=15, b=20; What will be the result of the following operations?
    (a) a&b
    (b) a|b
    (c) a^b
    (d) a>>3
    (d) (~b).

  18. What is an entry control loop? Explain any one of the entry controlled loop with suitable example.

  19. Write programs to find the sum of the following series:
    (a)  \(x-\frac { { x }^{ 2 } }{ 2! } +\frac { { x }^{ 3 } }{ 3! } -\frac { { x }^{ 4 } }{ 4! } +\frac { { x }^{ 5 } }{ 5! } -\frac { { x }^{ 6 } }{ 6! } \)
    (b)  \(x+\frac { { x }^{ 2 } }{ 2 } +\frac { { x }^{ 3 } }{ 3 } +...+\frac { { x }^{ n } }{ n } \)

  20. What are the different forms of function return? Explain with example.

  21. Write a program to accept any integer number and reverse it.

  22. How will you pass two dimensional array to a function explain with example.

  23. Explain call by value with respect to structure.

  24. Write a C++ program to add two distances using the following structure definition
    struct Distance{
    int feet;
    float inch;
    }d1 , d2, sum;

  25. Write a C++ Program to declare a structure book containing name and author as character array of 20 elements each and price as integer. Declare an array of book. Accept the name, author, price detail for each book. Define a user defined function to display the book details and calculate the total price. Return total price to the calling function.


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