11th Standard English Medium Computer Technology Subject Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Technology

Time : 00:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 75
    15 x 5 = 75
  1. Discuss the various generations of computers

  2. Convert (98.46)10 to Binary

  3. How the read and write operations are performed by a processor? Explain.

  4. Explain the concept of a Distributed Operating System along with its advantages.

  5. Explain the versions of Windows Operating System.

  6. What are Header and Footer? How do you insert page numbers?

  7. How do you resize the position of a table?

  8. Explain Mail Merge feature.

  9. Explain about changing the column width in Calc.

  10. Explain how to format a worksheet

  11. Create a student database with register number, student name, Mark1, Mark2, and Mark3. Calculate the total and average of the students. Show the marks which are below 50 in red colour and marks above 50 is shown in green colour.

  12. Valarmathi’s teacher asks her to create a presentation in OpenOffice Impress. As Valarmathi has never worked in Impress before, help her to perform the following tasks:
    a. She wants that except for the first slide, all the slides should have the same design. For this, what does she need to do?
    b. To easily communicate with her audience, she wants to provide them with a hard copy of the slides of the presentation. What should she create for it?
    c. She wants to insert some pictures and movie files in some slides. How can she do that?
    d. Suggest her the view that would be the most suitable for showing the presentation to the audience.
    e. To make her presentation more attractive, she wants to add some effects in it. How can she do it? Suggest.

  13. Discuss in detail about Graphic Objects feature in Presentation.

  14. Explain the types of computer networks based on its size, distance and the structure.

  15. Explain any five internet applications with suitable examples.


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