New ! Economics MCQ Practise Tests

11th Standard English Medium Economics Subject Book Back 5 Mark Questions with Solution Part - I

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 125

    5 Marks

    25 x 5 = 125
  1. Explain various Steps of Deductive and Inductive methods.

  2. Explain basic problems of the economy with the help of production possibility curve.

  3. Elucidate the law of diminishing marginal utility with diagram.

  4. What are the methods of measuring elasticity of demand?

  5. List out the properties of iso-quants with the help of diagrams.

  6. Explain the internal and external economies of scale.

  7. Discuss the short run cost curves with suitable diagram.

  8. Brint out the features of perfect competition.

  9. Describe the features of oligopoly.

  10. Explain how price and output are determined under monopolistic competition with help of a diagram.

  11. Illustrate the Ricardian Theory of Rent.

  12. Explain the Keynesian Theory of Interest.

  13. Write the importance of mineral resources in India.

  14. Write a brief note on the Gandhian economic ideas.

  15. Explain the role of SSIs in economic development ?

  16. Describe the performance of five year plans in India.

  17. Explain the objectives and characteristics of SEZs.

  18. "The features of Rural Economy are peculiar"- Argue.

  19. Analyse the causes for Rural Indebtedness.

  20. Explain the various sources of energy in Tamil Nadu.

  21. A Research scholar researching the market for fresh cow milk assumes that Qt = f(Pt, Y, A, N, Pc) where Qt is the quantity of milk demanded, Pt is the price of fresh cow milk, Y is average household income, A is advertising expenditure on processed pocket milk, N is population and Pc is the price of processed pocket milk.
    (a) What does Qt = f (Pt, Y, A, N, Pc) mean in words?
    (b) Identify the independent variables.
    (c) Make up a specific form for this function.
    (Use your knowledge of Economics to deduce whether the coefficients of the different independent variables should be positive or negative.)

  22. The demand and supply functions are Pd= 1600 - x2 and Ps = 2x2 + 400 respectively. Find the consumer's surplus and producer's Surplus at equilibrium point.

  23. If the demand function is P = 35 - 2x - x2 and the demand Xo is 3, what will be the consumer's surplus?

  24. Given the demand function Pd = 25 - Q2 and the supply function ps = 2Q + 1. Assuming pure competition, find (a) consumers surplus and (b) producers surplus. (Pd = Demand price; Ps = Supply price)


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