New ! Economics MCQ Practise Tests

11th Standard English Medium Economics Subject Creative 3 Mark Questions with Solution Part - II

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 75

    3 Marks

    25 x 3 = 75
  1. Discuss the Stable Equilibrium with the help of a diagram?

  2. What are the methods adopted to derive economic generalization in Inductive Method?

  3. What is the kinds of goods and services?

  4. Explain deductive method of economics.

  5. Explain the shift in the demand curve with the help of a diagram?

  6. Explain the theory of "consumer's surplus".

  7. How can Goods (Wants) be classified? Explain.

  8. Explain the different types of Elasticity of Demand.

  9. Explain the determinants of Elasticity of Demand.

  10. What are the characteristics of capital?

  11. Distinguish between internal and external economies

  12. Explain the concept of division of labour.

  13. Describe the characteristics of capital?

  14. Explain the Internal and External diseconomies of scale.

  15. Explain the concept of 'cost minimization!

  16. Define Accounting cost.

  17. Distinguish between Economic cost and Social cost.

  18. Bring out the features of Monopolistic competition.

  19. List out the kinds of profit.

  20. Describe Wage Fund Theory of Wages.

  21. Explain about J.C. Kumarappa.

  22. Explain briefly education system in India.

  23. Explain about the period of Industrial Capital.

  24. What are the achievement of Green Revolution?

  25. What are the features of Cottage Industries?


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