New ! Commerce MCQ Practise Tests

11th Standard Half yearly model question paper 1 - Commerce

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Do not write anything on question paper.

Time : 02:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 90

    Part A

    Choose the most suitable answer from the given four alternative and write the option code and the corresponding answer.

    20 x 1 = 20
  1. Trade and Commerce was common to ____________ Dynasty.









  2. Production which involves several stages for manufacturing finished product is known as __________


    Analytical Industry


    Synthetic Industry


    Processing Industry


    None of the above

  3. 'Only the male members in the family get the right of inheritance by birth' as ________


    Hindu law


    Mitakshara Law


    Dayabhaga law


    None of these

  4. The relationship between outsiders and the company is defined in _______.




    Articles of Association


    Memorandum of Association


    Certificate of Incorporation

  5. Dispersal of decision making power to branches/ affiliates/subsidiaries by head office represent __________









  6. The oldest form of organisation in public sector


    Public Sector Undertakings


    Departmental Undertakings


    Multi National Corporations


    Statutory Corporation

  7. Bankers are not only dealers of money but also leaders in 


    Economic Development


    Trade Development


    Industry Development


    Service Development

  8. Foreign banks are begun their operation since 









  9. ___________ can be given as a collateral security for getting financial assistance from bank.


    Dock warrant


    Warehouse Receipt


    Dock Receipt


    Warehouse warrant

  10. ___________ is not a type of general insurance.


    Marine Insurance


    Life Insurance


    Fidelity Insurance


    Fire Insurance

  11. An organization carrying out activities to move goods from Producer to Consumer is __________









  12. The Factoring Regulation Act was passed in the year ____________









  13. Social responsibility towards employees represents the following except _____________


    reasonable remuneration


    proper facilities


    Social security



  14. The ethical conduct of employees leading to standard practices results in ___________


    Good behaviour


     Bad behaviour


     Ethical behaviour


    Correct decision making

  15. Which one of the following holder is given voting rights?




    Preference Shares


    Equity shares



  16. Debentures are treated as ________.


    Fixed Capital


    Permanent Capital


    Fluctuating Capital


    Loan Capital

  17. Self help groups convert the savings into a common fund known as____


    Common Fund


    Groups corpus Fund


    Group Fund


    None of the above

  18. Home trade is classified into______.


    Wholesale Trade


    Retail Trade


    Both (a) and (b)


    None of these

  19. In due course __________ was replaced by ______ on 1st January 1995.









  20. Balance of payment of a country includes ______.


    Current account


    Monetary account


    Capital account


    All of the above

  21. Part B

    Answer any Seven in which question no. 30 is compulsory.

    7 x 2 = 14
  22. What is the National objective of a business?

  23. What are the Corporate enterprises?

  24. Who are Rochadale Pioneers?

  25. Define State enterprises.

  26. What are the benefits of KPO?

  27. Name any two sources of funds classified under borrowed funds.

  28. What are speciality stores?

  29. What is meant by Entrepot Trade?

  30. What is main aim of EXIM Bank?

  31. What is SAARC?

  32. Part C

    Answer any Seven in which question no. 40 is compulsory.

    7 x 3 = 21
  33. Briefly state the human objectives of a business.

  34. Explain the nature of liability of Karta.

  35. Write a Note on:
    (i) Mitakshara Law
    (ii) Dayabhaga Law

  36. What are the disadvantages of Co-operatives? (Any 3)

  37. What are the objectives involved in Regional Rural banks?

  38. Explain BHIM.

  39. What is charter party?

  40. What are pack animals? What is their significance?

  41. Explain the points of differences between Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

  42. What is meant by Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds?

  43. Part D 

    Answer all the questions.

    7 x 5 = 35
    1. State the demerits in barter system.

    2. Write short notes on :
      (a) Analytical Industry
      (b) Genetic Industry and
      (c) Construction Industry

    1. Explain the types of Dissolution of Partnership firm. (any 5)

    2. What are the types of Cooperative Society? (any 5)

    1. Explain the various Secondary functions of commercial banks. (any 5)

    2. Describe the benefits of Outsourcing.

    1. Discuss the role of International Benchmarking on the working of Companies in India.

    2. "Saving leads to the economic development of a country" - Justify the statement.

    1. State any five features of FCCB. (any 5)

    2. Write a note on SHGs in Tamil Nadu.

    1. Mr. Kovalan completed his M.Com. degree and proposed to start a business dealing powerloom machines. After a complete analysis, it was found that it is better to buy from foreign countries than to buy from domestic manufacturers. So what is your opinion whether to purchase from foreign countries or from domestic manufacturers.

    2. Explain the services rendered by wholesalers to retailers.

    1. Distinguish between Bill of Lading and Charter party?

    2. Write down the Structure of Capital Account.


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