New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

Zoology - Kingdom Animalia Three Marks Questions

11th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 30
    10 x 3 = 30
  1. Compare Schizocoelom with enterocoelom.

  2. Concept Mapping - Use the following terms to create a concept map that shows the major characteristic features of the phylum nematoda:
    Round worms, pseudocoelomates, digestive tract, cuticle, parasite, sexual dimorphism.

  3. List the characteristic features that distinguish cartilaginous fishes with living jawless fishes.

  4. What is metagenesis?

  5. What are comb Jellies or sea walnuts

  6. List four features common to all chordates

  7. Mention three salient features of phylum Ctenophora.

  8. Give a brief account on the comparision of chordates and Non-chordates.

  9. Match the following.

    Column I Column II
    (P) Euplectella i) Sea anemone
    (Q) Adamsia ii) Filarial worm
    (R) Wuchereria iii) Venus flower basket
    (S) Antedom iv) Sea-Lily

    (a) (P-iii) (Q-i) (R-ii) (S-iv)
    (b) (P-iv) (Q-ii) (R-iii) (S-i)
    (c) (P-i) (Q-ii) (R-iv) (S-iii)
    (d) (P-ii) (Q-i) (R-iv) (S-iii)

  10. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect development,


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