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12st Standard Physics Recent Developments in Physics English Medium Free Online Test One Mark questions 2020 - 2021

12th Standard

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Time : 00:10:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10
    Answer all the questions
    10 x 1 = 10
  1. The particle size of ZnO material is 30 nm. Based on the dimension it is classified as _____.


    Bulk material




    Soft material


    Magnetic material

  2. The blue print for making ultra durable synthetic material is mimicked from _____.


    Lotus leaf


    Morpho butterfly


    Parrot fish


    Peacock feather

  3. The alloys used for muscle wires in Robots are _____.


    Shape memory alloys


    Gold copper alloys


    Gold silver alloys


    Two dimensional alloys

  4. The particle which gives mass to protons and neutrons are _____.


    Higgs particle


    Einstein particle




    Bulk particle

  5. __________ Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) showing the nano structures on the surface of a leaf from a lotus plant


    Parrot fish


    Morpho butterfly


    Lotus leaf surface


    Peacock feathers

  6. Best example for applications of nanotechnology is ______________.


    Chemical industry






    all of these

  7. Muscle wires can contract by _________ when electric current is passed through them.









  8. Chinese scientists have created the world's first autonomous _________ to combat caner tumours.


    RNA Robot


    DNA Robot


    m RNA Robot


    r RNA Robot

  9. Zno is an example of __________


    Bulk solid


    Nano solid


    Bulk solid and Nano solid


    None of the above

  10. Bulk particles of nanoparticles are synthesized by ___________


    Top - down approach


    Bottom - up approach


    Top - top approach


    Bottom - real approach


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