New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

Botany - Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Model Question Paper

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 02:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50
    5 x 1 = 5
  1. Due to incomplete linkage in maize, the ratio of parental and recombinants are ______.






    96.4: 3.6



  2. Genes G S L H are located on same chromosome. The recombination percentage is between L and G is 15%, S and L is 50%, H and S are 20%. The correct order of genes is _____.









  3. Changing the codon AGC to AGA represents _______.


    missense mutation


    nonsense mutation


    frameshift mutation


    deletion mutation

  4. Which is not a feature of the chromosomal theory of inheritance?


    Somatic cells of organisms are derived from zygote by repeated meiosis.


    Chromosomes retain their structural uniqueness throughout the life of an organism.


    Mendelian factors are located in chromosomes


    Sutton and Boveri independently proposed the theory.

  5. Incomplete linkage was reported by Hutchinson in ___________








    Lathyrus odoratus

  6. 5 x 1 = 5
  7. T. H. Morgan

  8. (1)

    2n + 2

  9. Hugo de Vries

  10. (2)

    Sex linkage in Drosophila

  11. Monosomy

  12. (3)

    2n - 2

  13. Nullisomy

  14. (4)

    Mutation theory

  15. Tetrasomy

  16. (5)

    2n - 1

    9 x 2 = 18
  17. When two different genes came from same parent they tend to remain together.
    i) What is the name of this phenomenon?
    ii) Draw the cross with suitable example.
    iii) Write the observed phenotypic ratio.

  18. If you cross dominant genotype PV/PV male Drosophila with double recessive female and obtain F1 hybrid. Now you cross F1 male with double recessive female.
    i) What type of linkage is seen?
    ii) Draw the cross with correct genotype.
    iii) What is the possible genotype in F2 generation?

  19. What is the difference between missense and nonsense mutation?

  20. Define linkage. Mention its types.

  21. Mention the major stages involved in crossing over.

  22. What is meant by synaptonemal complex?

  23. Define terminalization.

  24. Point out any four physical mutagens

  25. What are deficiency loops?

  26. 4 x 3 = 12
  27. Write the salient features of Sutton and Boveri concept.

  28. Explain the mechanism of crossing over.

  29. What are the three types of synapsis? (or) Give the types of Synapsis.

  30. Classify cross over.

  31. 2 x 5 = 10
  32. What is gene mapping? Write its uses

  33. Draw the diagram of different types of aneuploidy.


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