New ! Business Maths and Statistics MCQ Practise Tests

Operations Research Three Marks Questions

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Business Maths

Time : 00:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 27
    9 x 3 = 27
  1. Obtain the initial solution for the following problem

  2. Determine an initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation problem using North West corner rule.

    Here Oi and Dj represent ith origin and jth destination.

  3. Obtain an initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation problem using least cost method.

    Here Oi and Dj denote ith origin and jth destination respectively.

  4. Determine how much quantity should be stepped from factory to various destinations for the following transportation problem using the least cost method

    Cost are expressed in terms of rupees per unit shipped.

  5. Find the initial basic feasible solution for the following transportation problem by VAM

  6. Obtain an initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation problem using Vogel’s approximation method.

  7. Consider the following pay-off (profit) matrix Action States

    Action States
    (s1) (s2) (s3) (s4)
    A1 5 10 18 25
    A2 8 7 8 23
    A3 21 18 12 21
    A4 30 22 19 15

    Determine best action using maximin principle.

  8. A business man has three alternatives open to him each of which can be followed by any of the four possible events. The conditional pay offs for each action - event combination are given below:

    Alternative Pay – offs (Conditional events)
    A B C D
    X 8 0 -10 6
    Y -4 12 18 -2
    A3 14 6 0 8

    Determine which alternative should the businessman choose, if he adopts the maximin principle.

  9. Consider the following pay-off matrix

    Alternative Pay – offs (Conditional events)
    A1 A2 A3 A4
    E1 7 12 20 27
    E2 10 9 10 25
    E3 23 20 14 23
    E4 32 24 21 17

    Using minmax principle, determine the best alternative.


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