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Differential Equations One Mark Question

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Business Maths

Time : 00:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 15
    10 x 1 = 10
  1. The degree of the differential equation \(\frac { { d }^{ 4 }y }{ { dx }^{ 4 } } { -\left( \frac { { d }^{ 2 }y }{ { dx }^{ 2 } } \right) }^{ 4 }+\frac { dy }{ dx } =3\) ______.









  2. The differential equation formed by eliminating a and b from \(y=a e^{x}+b e^{-x}\) is ______.


    \(\frac{d^{2} y}{d x^{2}}-y=0\)


    \(\frac{d^{2} y}{d x^{2}}-\frac{d y}{d x}=0\)


    \(\frac { { d }^{ 2 }y }{ { dx }^{ 2 } } =0\)


    \(\frac { { d }^{ 2 }y }{ { dx }^{ 2 } } -x=0\)

  3. The complementary function of (D2+ 4)y = e2x is ______.


    (Ax +B)e2x


    (Ax +B)e−2x


    A cos 2x + B sin 2x


    Ae−2x+ Be2x

  4. The differential equation of y = mx + c is ______.(m and c are arbitrary constants) 


    \(\frac { { d }^{ 2 }y }{ d{ x }^{ 2 } } \) = 0


    y = x \(\frac { dy }{ dx } \) + c


    xdy + ydx = 0


    ydx − xdy = 0

  5. The differential equation satisfied by all the straight lines in xy plane is _____________


    \(\frac { dy }{ dx } \)=a constant


    \(\frac { { d }^{ 2 }y }{ dx^{ 2 } } \)=0


    y+ \(\frac { dy }{ dx } \) = 0


    \(\frac { { d }^{ 2 }y }{ dx^{ 2 } } \)+y=0

  6. If y = k.eλx then its differential equation where k is arbitrary constant is _____________


    \(\frac { dy }{ dx } \)= λy


    \(\frac { dy }{ dx } \)= ky


    \(\frac { dy }{ dx } \)+ky = 0


    \(\frac { dy }{ dx } \)= eλx

  7. The differential equation obtained by eliminating a and b from y = a e3x + b e-3x is _____________


    \(\frac { { d }^{ 2 }y }{ dx^{ 2 } } \)+ay = 0


    \(\frac { { d }^{ 2 }y }{ dx^{ 2 } } \)-9y = 0


    \(\frac { { d }^{ 2 }y }{ dx^{ 2 } } -9\frac { dy }{ dx } \)


    \(\frac { { d }^{ 2 }y }{ dx^{ 2 } } \)+9x = 0

  8. The differential equation formed by eliminating A and B from y = ex (A cos x + B sin x) is _____________


    y2+y1= 0


    y2-y= 0


    y2-2y1+2y = 0


    y2-2y1-2y = 0

  9. The degree of the differential equation \(\sqrt { 1+\left( \frac { { d }y }{ dx } \right) ^{ \frac { 1 }{ 3 } } } =\frac { { d }^{ 2 }y }{ dx^{ 2 } } \) is _____________









  10. The degree of c =\(\frac { \left[ 1+\left( \frac { dy }{ dx } \right) ^{ 3 } \right] ^{ 2/3 } }{ \frac { d^{ 3 }y }{ dx^{ 3 } } } \) where c is a constant is _____________









  11. 5 x 1 = 5
  12. y = mx

  13. (1)

    Family of lines

  14. Degree of linear differential equation

  15. (2)


  16. General form of linear equation

  17. (3)

    \(\frac { dy }{ dx } \)+Py = Q

  18. I.F. of \(\frac { dy }{ dx } \)+Px = Q

  19. (4)

    \(e^{ \int { pdx } }\)

  20. I.F. of \(\frac { dy }{ dx } \)+Py = Q

  21. (5)

    \(e^{ \int { pdy } }\)


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