New ! Chemistry MCQ Practise Tests

Metallurgy - Two Marks Study Materials

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 30
    15 x 2 = 30
  1. What are the differences between minerals and ores?

  2. What are the various steps involved in the extraction of pure metals from their ores?

  3. What is the role of quick lime in the extraction of Iron from its oxide Fe2O3?

  4. Which type of ores can be concentrated by froth floatation method? Give two examples for such ores.

  5. Out of coke and CO, which is better reducing agent for the reduction of ZnO? Why?

  6. Describe a method for refining nickel. (or) Explain the Mond process of refining nickel.

  7. Name some elements that occur as native elements.

  8. Name the two steps involved in the extraction of crude metal

  9. What is Ellingham diagram?

  10. What is leaching?

  11. What is the role of silica in the extraction of copper?

  12. Write the chemical reactions involved in the extraction of gold by cyanide process. Also give the role of zinc in the extraction.

  13. Give reason : Extraction of copper directly from sulphide ores is less favourable than from its oxide ores through reduction.

  14. What is calcination? Give example.

  15. Define roasting.


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