New ! Chemistry MCQ Practise Tests

Organic Nitrogen Compounds Model Question Paper

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 35
    5 x 1 = 5
  1. The method by which aniline cannot be prepared is _________.


    degradation of benzamide with Br2 / NaOH


    potassium salt of phthalimide treated with chlorobenzene followed by hydrolysis with aqueous NaOH solution.


    reduction of Nitrobenzene with LiAlH4


    reduction of nitrobenzene by Sn / HCl

  2. CH3CH2 Br \(\overset { aqNaOH }{ \underset { \Delta }{ \longrightarrow } } A\overset { { KMnO }_{ 4 }{ /H }^{ + } }{ \underset { \Delta }{ \longrightarrow } } B\overset { { NH }_{ 3 } }{ \underset { \Delta }{ \longrightarrow } } C\overset { { Br }_{ 2 }/NaOH }{ \longrightarrow } D\)  D' is________.




    α - bromo sodium acetate





  3. Which one of the following nitro compounds does not react with nitrous acid.


    CH3 -CH2 -CH2 -NO2


    (CH3)2 CH - CH2NO2


    (CH3)C NO2


    \({ CH }_{ 3 }-\underset { \overset { || }{ O } }{ C } -\underset { \overset { || }{ { CH }_{ 3 } } }{ CH } -{ NO }_{ 2 }\)

  4. The product formed by the reaction an aldehyde with a primary amine ________.


    carboxylic acid


    aromatic acid


    schiff ’s base



  5. When aniline reacts with acetic anhydride the product formed is_______.


    o – aminoacetophenone




    p – aminoacetophenone



  6. 3 x 2 = 6
  7. There are two isomers with the formula  CH3NO2. How will you distinguish between them?

  8. How will you convert nitrobenzene into
    i. 1,3,5 - trinitrobenzene
    ii. o and p- nitrophenol
    iii. m – nitro aniline
    iv. azoxybenzene
    v. hydrozobenzene
    vi. N – phenylhydroxylamine
    vii. aniline

  9. Identify compounds A, B and C in the following sequence of reactions.
    i) \({ C }_{ 6 }{ H }_{ 5 }NO_{ 2 }\overset { Fe/HCL }{ \longrightarrow } A\overset { HN{ O }_{ 2 } }{ \underset { 273K }{ \longrightarrow } } B\overset { { C }_{ 6 }{ H }_{ 5 }OH }{ \longrightarrow } C\)
    ii) \({ C }_{ 6 }{ H }_{ 5 }N_{ 2 }cl\overset { CuCN }{ \longrightarrow } A\overset { H_{ 2 }O/H^{ + } }{ \longrightarrow } B\overset { NH_3 }{ \longrightarrow } C\)
    iii) \({ C }{ H }_{ 3 }{ C }{ H }_{ 2 }I\overset { NaCN}{ \longrightarrow } A\overset {OH^-}{ \underset {Partial hydrolysis}{ \longrightarrow } } B\overset {NaOH+Br_2 }{ \longrightarrow } C\)
    iv) \({ C }{ H }_{ 3 }NH_{ 2 }\overset { CH_3 Br }{ \longrightarrow } A\overset { CH_{ 3 }COCl}{ \longrightarrow } B\overset { B_2H_6 }{ \longrightarrow } C\)
    v) \({ C }_{ 6 }{ H }_{ 5 }NH_{ 2 }\overset { (CH_{ 3 }CO)_{ 2 }O }{ \underset { Pyridine }{ \longrightarrow } } A\overset { HNO_{ 3 } }{ \underset { H_{ 2 }SO_{ 4 },288K }{ \longrightarrow } } B\overset { { H }_{ 2 }O/{ H }^{ + } }{ \longrightarrow C } \)

    vii) \({ C }{ H }_{ 3 }CN_{ 2 }NC\overset { HgO }{ \longrightarrow } A\overset { H_{ 2 }O }{ \longrightarrow } B\overset { i) NaN{ O }_{ 2 }/HCL }{ \underset { ii){ H }_{ 2 }O }{ \longrightarrow } } \)

  10. 3 x 3 = 9
  11. How will you distinguish between primary secondary and tertiary alphatic amines.

  12. Account for the following
    i. Aniline does not undergo Friedel – Crafts reaction
    ii. Diazonium salts of aromatic amines are more stable than those of aliphatic amines
    iii. pKb of aniline is more than that of methylamine
    iv. Gabriel phthalimide synthesis is preferred for synthesising primary amines.
    v. Ethylamine is soluble in water whereas aniline is not
    vi. Amines are more basic than amides
    vii.Although amino group is o – and p – directing in aromatic electrophilic substitution reactions, aniline on nitration gives a substantial amount of m – nitroaniline.

  13. How will you prepare propan – 1- amine from
    i) butane nitrile
    ii) propanamide
    ii) 1- nitropropane

  14. 3 x 5 = 15
  15. Identify A,B and C
    \(\overset{SOCl_2}\longrightarrow A \overset{NH_3}\longrightarrow B\overset{LiAlH_4}\longrightarrow (C)\)

  16. A dibromo derivative (A) on treatment with KCN followed by acid hydrolysis and heating gives a monobasic acid (B) along with liberation of CO2 . (B) on heating with liquid ammonia followed by treating with Br2 /KOH gives (c) which on treating with NaNO2 and HCl at low temperature followed by oxidation gives a monobasic acid (D) having molecular mass 74. Identify A to D.

  17. Identify A to E in the following sequence of reactions
     \(\overset { {CH_3} {CL} }{ \underset { {AlCl}_3 }{ \longrightarrow } }\) A \(\overset { {HNO_3}/ {H_2So_4} }{ \underset { {} }{ \longrightarrow } }\)  B \(\overset { {Sn} /{HCL} }{ \underset {{} }{ \longrightarrow } }\)  (C) \(\overset { {NaNo_2}/ {HCL} }{ \underset { {O^o}C }{ \longrightarrow } }\)  D \(\overset { {CuCN} }{ \underset { {}}{ \longrightarrow } }\) E


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