New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

Data Visualization Using Pyplot: Line Chart, Pie Chart and Bar Chart Model Question Paper 1

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 50
    5 x 1 = 5
  1. To install matplotlib, the following function will be typed in your command prompt. What does “-U”represents?
    Python –m pip install –U pip


    downloading pip to the latest version


    upgrading pip to the latest version


    removing pip


    upgrading matplotlib to the latest version

  2. Read the code:
    a. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    b. plt.plot(3,2)
    Identify the output for the above coding





  3. Which kind of data encoded visually communicate a quantitative message








    None of these

  4. The numerical data is encoded using








    all of these

  5. Which of the following is a management software for installing python package?






    mat plot lib


    plot lib

  6. 5 x 2 = 10
  7. What is Data Visualization?

  8. List the types of Visualizations in Matplotlib.

  9. How will you install Matplotlib?

  10. What is matplotlib?

  11. What is pip?

  12. 5 x 3 = 15
  13. Draw the output for the following data visualization plot.
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt[1,3,5,7,9],[5,2,7,8,2], label="Example one")[2,4,6,8,10],[8,6,2,5,6], label="Example two", color='g')
    plt.xlabel('bar number')
    plt.ylabel('bar height')
    plt.title('Epic Graph in Another Line! Whoa')

  14. Write any three uses of data visualization.

  15. Write the coding for the following:
    a. To check if PIP is Installed in your PC.
    b. To Check the version of PIP installed in your PC.
    c. To list the packages in matplotlib.

  16. Write a python code to display the following plot.

  17. List the buttons in matlibplot window.

  18. 4 x 5 = 20
  19. Explain in detail the types of pyplots using Matplotlib.

  20. Explain the various buttons in a matplotlib window.

  21. Write the key differences between Histogram and bar graph.

  22. Write s python code to display to following plot.


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