New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

Full Portion Five Marks Questions

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 02:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 100
    20 x 5 = 100
  1. Identify in the following program

    let rec gcd a b:=
               if b <> 0 then gcd b (a mod b) else return a:

    i) Name of the function
    ii) Identify the statement which tells it is a recursive function
    iii) Name of the argument variable
    iv) Statement which invoke the function recursively
    v) Statement which terminates the recursion

  2. Explain with example Pure and impure functions.

  3. What is a List? Why List can be called as Pairs. Explain with suitable example.

  4. Explain the representation of Abstract datatype using rational numbers.

  5. Write any five benefits in using modular programming.

  6. Explain the concept of Dynamic programming with suitable example.

  7. Explain the selection sort Algorithm with an example.

  8. Explain input() and print() functions with examples.

  9. Write a detail note on if..else..elif statement with suitable example.

  10. Explain the scope of variables with an example.

  11. Explain different types arguments used in python with an example.

  12. Explain about string operators in python with suitable example.

  13. What is the purpose of range( )? Explain with an example.

  14. Write a program to generate in the Fibonacci series and store it in a list. Then find the sum of all values.

  15. Write a program to calculate area and circumference of a circle.

  16. Explain the components of DBMS.

  17. Write a SQL statement to create a table for employee having any five fields and create a table constraint for the employee table.

  18. Write a program to read the CSV file and store A column value in A list for sorting.

  19. hat is the use of HAVING clause. Give an example python script

  20. Write the key differences between Histogram and bar graph.


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