New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

Full Portion Three Marks Question Paper

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 60
    20 x 3 = 60
  1. Why strlen is called pure function?

  2. Wha happens if you modify a variable outside the function? Give an example.

  3. Explain the syntax of function definitions.

  4. Which strategy is used for program designing? Define that Strategy.

  5. What are the different ways to access the elements of a list. Give example.

  6. Write a note on Data Abstraction.

  7. Identify the scope of the variables in the following pseudo code and write its output
    color:= 'Red'
    mycolor( ):
    myfavcolor( ):
    printcolor, b, g
    myfavcolor( )
    printcolor, b
    mycolor( )
    print color

  8. Write a note on module.

  9. What are the factors that influence time and space complexity.

  10. Write the different factors in which the time efficiency of an algorithm its measured

  11. Explain Ternary operator with examples.

  12. Differentiate two ways in which Python programs can be written.

  13. What will be the range of values displayed by the following?

  14. How will you invoke the function after, the parameters are recognized by their parameter names? Explain with an example.

  15. Write a program to accept a string and print it in reverse order.

  16. Write the output of the following statements.
    strl = 'mammals'
    (i) std. find ('ma')
    (ii) std. find ('ma', 2)
    (iii) std. find ('ma', 2, 4)
    (iv) std. find ('ma', 2, 5)

  17. Explain the concept of list comprehension with an example programs.

  18. Write a note on self argument used in python class function.

  19. What is the use of Where Clause.Give a python statement Using the where clause.

  20. List the buttons in matlibplot window.


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