New ! Computer Science MCQ Practise Tests

Python and CSV Files Model Question Paper

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Science

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 40
    5 x 1 = 5
  1. A CSV file is also known as a ….


    Flat File


    3D File


    String File


    Random File

  2. Which of the following is a string used to terminate lines produced by writer()method of csv module?


    Line Terminator


    Enter key


    Form feed


    Data Terminator

  3. CSV means


    Condition separated values


    Colon separated values


    C++ solution values


    Comma separated values

  4. Which of the following built-in function Python has to open a file?


    read ()


    open ()


    reader ()


    openfile ()

  5. While reading CSV file in text mode, the data would be in the format









  6. 5 x 2 = 10
  7. What is use of next() function?

  8. How will you sort more than one column from a csv file?Give an example statement.

  9. What take the three models in which CSV file can be opened?

  10. What is the purpose of using 'with' statement along with open ( )?

  11. Write a note is register dialect ( ) method?

  12. 5 x 3 = 15
  13. Write a Python program to modify an existing file.

  14. Write a Python program to read a CSV file with default delimiter comma (,).

  15. How will you save the CSV file in MS-Excel?

  16. Write the syntax of reader( ).

  17. Write a program to create a new normal CSV file to store data.

  18. 2 x 5 = 10
  19. Tabulate the different mode with its meaning.

  20. Write a Python program to write a CSV File with custom quotes.


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