New ! Economics MCQ Practise Tests

Introduction to Macro Economics One Mark Questions

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 25
    25 x 1 = 25
  1. The branches of the subject Economics are


    Wealth and Welfare


    Production and Consumption


    Demand and Supply


    Micro and Macro

  2. A steady increase in general price level is termed as_____________.


    wholesale price index


    Business Cycle




    National Income

  3. Identify the necessity of Economic policies


    to solve the basic problems


    to overcome the obstacles


    to achieve growth


    all the above

  4. An economy consists of


    consumption sector


    Production sector


    Government sector


    All the above

  5. Identify the economic system where only private ownership of production exists


    Capitalistic Economy


    Socialistic Economy


    Globalisic Economy


    Mixed Economy

  6. The country following Capitalism is ________________









  7. Identify The Father of Socialism


    J M Keynes


    Karl Marx


    Adam Smith



  8. Identify the flow variable


    money supply






    foreign exchange reserves

  9. Identify the sectors of a Two Sector Model.


    Households and Firms


    Private and Public


    Internal and External


    Firms and Government

  10. The Circular Flow Model that represents an open Economy


    Two Sector Model


    Three Sector Model


    Four Sector Model


    All the above

  11. Macro means ________.






    Economy as a whole


    All the above

  12. Macro economics is also known as __________.


    Price theory


    Income theory


    Business cycle


    Poverty and unemployment

  13. Example for Mixed Economy ________.








    Both 'a' and 'b'

  14. Market forces are _________.


    Supply and price


    Demand and price


    Prices of commodity


    Supply and demand

  15. Non-interference of the state is a characteristic features of the ___________.


    Socialist Economy


    Capitalist Economy


    Traditional Economy


    Command Economy

  16. _________ sector sells the entire output to house holds.




    House hold




    Foreign trade

  17. ________ is a combination of both capitalism and socialism.


    Socialistic economy


    Capitalistic economy


    Traditional economy


    Mixed economy

  18. Identify the stock variable.






    Foreign exchange



  19. Inflation refers to steady ________ in general price level.









  20. Who defined the following statement for an economy? “An economy is a cooperation of producers and workers to make goods and services that satisfy the wants of the consumers".


    A.J. Brown


    J.R. Hicks


    J.S. Mill


    J.M. Keynes

  21. Identify which of the following is not an external activity?


    import and export


    international relations


    emigration and immigration


    central bank policy

  22. Identify which is not a part of classification of economy based on Level of National Income


    Foreign Income Economies


    Low Income Economies


    Middle Income Economies


    High Income Economies

  23. What is considered as the heart of any capitalistic economy?


    Sales mechanism


    Price mechanism


    Demand mechanism


    Exchange mechanism

  24. From the households sectors receives the income?


    households sector


    government expenditure


    external sector


    firm sector

  25. Pick basic composition of two sector of model of economy


    Y = C + I + G + (X – M)


    Y = C + I + G


    Y = C + S


    Y = C + I


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