New ! History MCQ Practise Tests

The World after World War II Model Question Paper

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 00:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 30
    5 x 1 = 5
  1. By the end of 1947 the only country left out of the Soviet influence in eastern Europe was _______


    East Germany







  2. The term “Cold War” was coined by _______


    Bernard Baruch


    George Orwell


    George Kennan



  3. Marshall aid was for the purpose of _________


    Economic reconstruction of Europe


    Protection of capitalistic enterprises.


    Establishment of American hegemony in Europe


    forming a military alliance against Soviet Russia

  4. Truman doctrine advocated ______


    financial aid to stop the spread of communism


    supply of weapons to the insurgents in colonies


    interference in internal affairs of east European countries


    permanent army to UN under US Commander

  5. US intervention in Lebanon was opposed by _________









  6. 3 x 2 = 6
  7. Point out the significance of the “Uniting for Peace” resolution passed by the UN General Assembly.

  8. What was the background to the Hungarian Crisis?

  9. What was Schuman Plan?

  10. 3 x 3 = 9
  11. Warsaw Pact was a response of the Soviet Union to the US controlled NATO-Explain.

  12. Trace the background of the formation of NATO.

  13. Why SEATO was not so popular as NATO?

  14. 2 x 5 = 10
  15. Discuss the origin of Arab-Israeli conflict and show how subsequent developments caused a major war between the two in 1967.

  16. In disputes involving the permanent members of the Security Council, the UNO was a mute spectator. Elucidate this statement from the cold war period experiences.


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