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12th Standard Bio-Zoology English Medium Human Health and Diseases Reduced Syllabus Important Questions With Answer Key 2021

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 100

    Multiple choice Questions

    15 x 1 = 15
  1. Cirrhosis of liver is caused by chronic intake of ______









  2. The sporozoite of the malarial parasite is present in ______


    saliva of infected female Anopheles mosquito


    RBC of human suffering from malaria.


    Spleen of infected humans


    Gut of female Anopheles mosquito

  3. Spread of cancerous cells to distant sites is termed as








    Malignant neoplasm

  4. The site of infection for yersinia pestis is___________






    Lymph nodes


    Nervous system

  5. ___________is a pandemic disease




    Swine flu




    Dengue fever

  6. ___________is not a symptom of Kala-azar






    Spleen enlargement


    Muscle spasms

  7. This part of our body is affected by viral infection in mumps.




    Salivary glands


    Nervous system


    Skin and blood

  8. Yellow fever and dengue fever are categorized under this group, classifies based on the organs which get affected


    neurotropic disease


    viscerotropic disease


    dermotropic disease


    pneumotropic disease

  9. One after following statement is wrong. Find out.
    I Bhang affects the cardiovascular system
    II Opium acts a depresent on the central nervous system
    III Lysergic acid diethylamide distorts the way one sees, hears and feels
    IV Barbiturates slows down the activity of the fore brain.


    I II IV


    II IV


    all the above


    none of the above

  10. Choose the correct sequence with regard to plasmodium.
    (i) Sporozoite
    (ii) Microgametocyte
    (iii) Signet ring stag
    (iv) oocyte


    i, iii, iv, ii


    i, iii, ii, iv


    i, iv, ii, iii


    i, ii, iii, iv

  11. Pick out the disease which is caused by virus









  12. Secretion of HCI in stomach is an example for ______________


    Anatomical barriers


    Phagocytic barriers


    Physiological barriers


    Inflammatory barriers

  13. Infection of Ascariasis occur due to ___________________


    Sand fly


    contaminated food


    mosquito bite


    stagnant water

  14. The test that confirms HIV positive is ________________


    Western blot


    Northern blot


    Southern blot


    all the above

  15. Which one of the following statements is not correct?


    Bursa of Fabricius is a primary lymphoid organ of birds


    Blymphocytes mature in the bursa.


    Bursa of Fabricius brings cell mediated immunity


    Bursa of Fabricius brings humoral immunity.

  16. 2 Marks

    10 x 2 = 20
  17. What are interferons? Mention their role.

  18. Explain the process of replication of retrovirus after it gains entry into the human body.

  19. What are non-infectious diseases?

  20. Name two RNA viruses which cause diseases in humans.

  21. Name two mosquito species which act as vectors for diseases

  22. What is a digenic organism?

  23. Differentiate male and female Ascaris.

  24. Name two plants with hallucinogenic properties.

  25. What steps should be taken to maintain good health?

  26. According to the WHO, what is health?

  27. 3 Marks

    10 x 3 = 30
  28. Explain the structure of immunoglobulin with suitable diagram.

  29. What is vaccine? What are its types?

  30. Autoimmunity is a misdirected immune response. Justify.

  31. What is signet ring stage?

  32. Define hygiene as given by WHO.

  33. What is irritable bowel syndrome?

  34. Give a brief account of Kala-azar.

  35. What is innate immunity?

  36. Secondary response is a booster response - Explain.

  37. In which form does the malarial parasite enter the human body through mosquito?
    What is the target site of parasite immediately after entering the host body?

  38. 5 Marks

    7 x 5 = 35
  39. Give an account of helminthic disease.

  40. Point out the differences between active and passive immunity.

  41. Explain the structure and role of thymus in primary lymphoid organ.

  42. Describe the structure of lymph node with a labeled diagram

  43. Write in detail about various types of antigen-antibody reactions.

  44. Suggest some of the ways to prevent drug and alcohol abuse

  45. Explain the events in life cycle of Plasmodium in the secondary host/Man.


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