New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

All Chapter 5 Marks

12th Standard

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Time : 07:30:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 460

    Answer The Following:

    92 x 5 = 460
  1. Differentiate between the following:
    (a) Binary fission in amoeba and multiple fission in Plasmodium
    (b) Budding in yeast and budding in Hydra
    (c) Regeneration in lizard and Planaria

  2. How is juvenile phase different from reproductive phase?

  3. Write notes on binary fission in animals.

  4. Describe the regeneration process noticed in living organism.

  5. Explain the role of oxytocin and relaxin in parturition and lactation.

  6. The following is the illustration of the sequence of ovarian events (a-i) in a human female.

    a) Identify the figure that illustrates ovulation and mention the stage of oogenesis it represents.
    b) Name the ovarian hormone and the pituitary hormone that have caused the above-mentioned events.
    c) Explain the changes that occurs in the uterus simultaneously in anticipation.
    d) Write the difference between C and H.

  7. Explain the process of fertilization in human beings.

  8. Explain the process of oogenesis.

  9. Amniocentesis, the foetal sex determination test, is banned in our country, Is it necessary? Comment.

  10. Open Book Assessment
    ‘Healthy reproduction, legally checked birth control measures and proper family planning programmes are essential for the survival of mankind’ Justify

  11. Explain about breast self Examination and Early diagnosis of Cancer.

  12. What is infertility and write its causes.

  13. Explain the inheritance of sex linked characters in human being.

  14. Comment on the methods of Eugenics.

  15. Write a note on allosomal chromosomal abnormalities.

  16. Discuss the methods adopted for the improvement of human race.

  17. Explain the formation of a nucleosome.

  18. It is established that RNA is the first genetic material. Justify giving reasons.

  19. List the salient features of genetic code.

  20. How the DNA is packed in an eukaryotic cell?

  21. How does Neanderthal man differ from the modern man in appearance?

  22. Mention any three similarities found common in Neanderthal man and Homo sapiens.

  23. Explain about the objections to Darwinism.

  24. Explain Oparin - Haldane hypothesis on evolution.

  25. List the common withdrawal symptoms of drugs and alcohol abuse.

  26. Why do you think it is not possible to produce vaccine against 'common cold'?

  27. List any five bacterial diseases causative agents, mode of transmission of syndrome.

  28. Describe the structure of HIV with a diagram

  29. List the advantages of biogas plants in rural areas.

  30. When does antibiotic resistance develop?

  31. Explain the role of microbes in the production of enzymes & bio-active molecules

  32. How microbes are used in Gobar gas production?

  33. Explain why cloning of Dolly, the sheep was such a major scientific breakthrough?

  34. Mention the advantages (3) and disadvantages of cloning (3).

  35. Explain in detail about stem cell therapy. (or) What are the multipotent cells involved in replenishing adult tissue ? What is the rich source for it?

  36. What are the ethical issues about cloning.

  37. Differentiate between Tundra and Taiga Biomes.

  38. Describe Growth Models/Curves.

  39. Write a note on grassland biome.

  40. Describe in detail on population interaction.

  41. Mention the major threats to biodiversity caused by human activities. Explain.

  42. Write a note on
    i) Protected areas,
    ii) Wild life sanctuaries.

  43. Why Tropical regions are rich in biodiversity?

  44. What is the significance of slope of regression in a species area relationship?

  45. Discuss briefly the following :
    a. Catalytic converter
    b. Ecosan toilets

  46. Describe how deforestation might contribute to global warming

  47. What is radioactive waste how cap it be managed

  48. How agrochemicals affect ecosystem?

  49. ‘Pollination in Gymnosperms is different from Angiosperms’ – Give reasons.

  50. Write short note on Heterostyly.

  51. Describe the development process of male gametophyte.(or) Explain the different mode of entry of pollen tube into the ovule.

  52. Give the characteristic features of Anemophilous plants.

  53. Describe dominant epistasis with an example. 

  54. Explain polygenic inheritance with an example.

  55. Explain Dihybrid cross in pea plant.

  56. Describe incomplete dominance exhibited by Mirabilis jalapa.

  57. How sex is determined in monoecious plants. write their genes involved in it.

  58. Mention the name of man-made cereal. How it is formed?

  59. Why crossing over is important?

  60. List out the significance of ploidy.

  61. Compare the various types of Blotting techniques

  62. What is bioremediation? give some examples of bioremediation.

  63. Explain a method for screening of recombinant Plasmid

  64. Explain the procedure of Southern Blotting Technique. Southern Blotting Techniques - DNA

  65. What do you know about Germplasm conservation. Describe it.

  66. Write the protocol for artificial seed preparation.

  67. Explain the steps involved in protoplast culture.

  68. Point out the applications of plant tissue culture.

  69. Explain Raunkiaer classification in the world’s vegetation based on the temperature.

  70. What is soil profile? Explain the characters of different soil horizons.

  71. Explain various edaphic factors that affect vegetation.

  72. Point out any five morphological adaptations of epiphytes.

  73. Draw a pyramid from following details and explain in brief.
    Quantities of organisms are given-Hawks - 50, plants - 1000.rabbit and mouse - 250 + 250, pythons and lizard - 100 + 50 respectively.

  74. Various stages of succession are given bellow. From that rearrange them accordingly. Find out the type of succession and explain in detail.
    Reed-swamp stage, phytoplankton stage, shrub stage, submerged plant stage, forest stage, submerged free floating stage, marsh meadow stage.

  75. Write a note on the strategies of ecosystem management.

  76. Write in detail about Autogenic succession and Allogenic succession.

  77. Suggest a solution to water crisis and explain its advantages.

  78. Explain afforestation with case studies.

  79. What are the objectives of Afforestation programme?

  80. Write a comparative note on Carbon Foot Print (CFP).

  81. Write a note on heterosis.

  82. List out the new breeding techniques involved in developing new traits in plant breeding.

  83. Give a comparative account on Seaweed liquid fertilizer.

  84. Explain the steps involved in hybridization.

  85. Which TSM is widely practiced and culturally accepted in Tamil Nadu? - explain.

  86. How will you prepare an organic pesticide for your home garden with the vegetables available from your kitchen?

  87. Write the botanical name, origin, cultivational area and uses of Black gram.
    Botanical name : Vigna mungo

  88. Draw a table mentioning binominals, family name, useful part and their medical uses of any five local medicinal plants

  89. Why is opsonisation efficient in phagocytosis?

  90. What is vaccine? What are its types?

  91. Explain the role of thymus as an lymphoid organ.

  92. Describe the structure of HIV with a diagram.


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