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12th Standard Biology English Medium Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in plants Reduced Syllabus Important Questions 2021

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 100

    Multiple Choice Questions

    15 x 1 = 15
  1. Choose the correct statement from the following


    Gametes are involved in asexual reproduction


    Bacteria reproduce asexually by budding


    Conidia formation is a method of sexual reproduction


    Yeast reproduce by budding

  2. Match the following

    I) External fertilization i) pollen grain
    II) Androecium ii) anther wall
    III) Male gametophyte iii) algae
    IV) Primary parietal layer iv) stamens
    iv i ii iii
    iii iv i ii
    iii iv ii i
    iii i iv ii
  3. Transmitting tissue is found in ______.


    Micropylar region of ovule


    Pollen tube wall


    Stylar region of gynoecium



  4. Consider the following statement(s)
    i) In Protandrous flowers pistil matures earlier
    ii) In Protogynous flowers pistil matures earlier
    iii) Herkogamy is noticed in unisexual flowers
    iv) Distyly is present in Primula


    i and ii are correct


    ii and iv are correct


    ii and iii are correct


    i and iv are correct

  5. Cleavage polyembryony is noticed in _________________









  6. Select the wrong statement(s) regarding cross-pollination.
    (a) Pollination depends on external agent and so it is certain.
    (b) New varieties are produced.
    (c) Continuous cross-pollination leads to weaker progeny.
    (d) Germination capacity is highly declined.


    a and d


    b and c


    a, band d


    a, c and d

  7. Assertion (A): Self - pollination is certain in cleistogamous flowers.
    Reason (R): Flowers never open and do not expose reproductive organs.


    Both A and R are incorrect.


    A is correct R is incorrect.


    R explains A


    Both A and R are correct. R is not correct explanation for A.

  8. Statement 1: Apomixis does not involve meiosis and syngamy.
    Statement 2: The term Apomixis was introduced by Winkler.


    Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect.


    Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct


    Both the statements 1 and 2 are correct.


    Both the statements 1 and 2 are incorrect.

  9. Identify the incorrect statement regarding vegetative reproduction.


    Only one parent is required for propagation.


    New individuals are genetically dissimilar.


    Easy mode of reproduction


    Variation does not exist.

  10. Assertion (A): Fusion of male and female gametes results in zygote.
    Reason (R): Product of triple fusion is PEN.


    A is correct R is incorrect.


    R explains A.


    Both A and R are incorrect.


    Both A and R are correct. R does not explain A.

  11. Assertion (A): Androecium and Gynoecium are essential whorls of flower
    Reason (R): Androecium and Gynoecium assist the reproduction.


    A is correct R is incorrect


    R explains A


    Both A and R are incorrect


    Both A and R are correct. R does not explain A

  12. A mature angiospermic embryo sac is ________________


    8 celled and 8 nucleated


    8 celled and 8 nucleated


    8 celled and 7 nucleated


    7 celled and 8 nucleated

  13. Observe the diagram and select the correct option mentioning the parts A, B, C and D

    A B C D
    Radicle Cotyledon Testa Plumule
    A B C D
    Plumule Cotyledon Testa Radicle
    A B C D
    Cotyledon Testa Plumule Radicle
    A B C D
    Plumule Radicle Testa Cotyledon
  14. Observe the diagram and select the correct option mentioning the parts A, B, C and D.

    A B C D
    Synergid Egg polar nuclei Antipodals
    A B C D
    Antipodals Synergid polar nuclei Egg
    A B C D
    Egg Synergid Antipodals polar nuclei
    A B C D
    Antipodals polar nuclei Egg Synergid
  15. Identify the correct sequence of anther wall layers from periphery towards core part.


    Epidermis ⟶ endothelium ⟶ stomium ⟶ tapetum


    Epidermis ⟶ middle layer ⟶ endothecium ⟶ endothelium


    Epidermis ⟶ endothelium ⟶ middle layers ⟶ tapetum


    Epidermis ⟶ endothelium ⟶ endothecium ⟶ tapetum

  16. 2 Marks

    10 x 2 = 20
  17. A detached leaf of Bryophyllum produces new plants. How?

  18. Write the names of organisms that undergo the following types of asexual reproduction.
    (a) Budding
    (b) fragmentation
    (c) Regeneration
    (d) Gemma cup formation.

  19. Define totipotency.

  20. Write any four valid points on Androecium

  21. What are the chemical components that make up the wall layers of pollen grains?

  22. Mention the types of ovule seen in the members of
    (a) Cactaceae
    (b) Leguminosae
    (c) Polygonaceae
    (d) Primulaceae.

  23. Why pollination in gymnosperm is said to be direct?

  24. Name the agents of the following types of pollination
    (a) Anemophily
    (b) Ornithophily
    (c) Chiropterophily
    (d) Malacophily

  25. What happens to the following floral parts, after the fertilization process?
    (a) Ovary
    (b) Secondary nucleus
    (c) Outer integument of ovule
    (d) Funicle

  26. Who coined the term Apomixis? Define it

  27. 3 Marks

    10 x 3 = 30
  28. List any two strategy adopted by bisexual flowers to prevent self-pollination.

  29. What is polyembryony. How it can commercially exploited.

  30. Briefly explain about the types of tapetum.

  31. Differentiate between chasmogamy and cleistogamy

  32. Give a brief account on pollination process in Zea mays.

  33. How the pollen germination and compatibility is regulated by stigma of Gynoecium?

  34. Give an account on Helobial endosperm.

  35. Observe the picture and answer the questions.
    (a) Label the part - A
    (b) Name the types of vegetative propagule
    (c) Give one example for such type of vegetative propagule

  36. Name the process through which microspore tetrads are formed. What would be the ploidy of the cells of terad?

  37. Cite one common feature and one contrast feature shared between apomixis and parthenocarpy

  38. 5 Marks

    7 x 5 = 35
  39. ‘Pollination in Gymnosperms is different from Angiosperms’ – Give reasons.

  40. With a suitable diagram explain the structure of an ovule.

  41. What is endosperm. Explain the types.

  42. Give a detailed account on parthenocarpy. Add a note on its significance.

  43. Give a comparative account on Anther wall layers

  44. Write about the different types of ovules.

  45. Describe the structure of dicot seed.


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