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12th Standard Biology English Medium Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in plants Reduced Syllabus Important Questions With Answer Key 2021

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 100

    Multiple Choice Questions

    15 x 1 = 15
  1. Arrange the layers of anther wall from locus to periphery


    Epidermis, middle layers, tapetum, endothecium


    Tapetum, middle layers, epidermis, endothecium


    Endothecium, epidermis, middle layers, tapetum


    Tapetum, middle layers endothecium epidermis

  2. The genetic ability of a plant cell to produce the entire plant is said to be ________________









  3. Which is not a part of mature seed?




    Testa and tegmen





  4. Which of the following characters does not exist in Ornithophilous flowers?


    Huge sized flowers


    Bright coloured


    Scented flowers


    Nectar is secreted in large

  5. Generally, the pollen grains are liberated from another at ___________


    2-celled stage


    4-celled stage


    6-celled stage


    8-celled stage

  6. Identify the mismatched pair:
    (i) Sucker - Chrysanthemum
    (ii) Bulbils - Agave
    (iii) Stolon - Fragaria
    (iv) Runner - Lilium


    i only


    ii only


    iii only


    iv only

  7. Assertion (A): Anemophilous pollination occurs by animals.
    Reason (R): Pollen grains are sticky for easy attachment on animals.


    A is correct R is incorrect


    R explains A.


    Both A and R are incorrect.


    Both A and Rare correct R does not explain A.

  8. Identify the incorrect statement.


    One seeded fruit of paddy is caryopsis.


    Primitive root is called coleorhiza.


    Scutellum is a part of mono cot seed.


    Embryonic axis above the cotyledon is epicotyl.

  9. Identify the parthenocarpic fruit








    More than one option is correct

  10. The egg apparatus is made up of______________


    1 egg cell and 2 antipodals


    1 egg cell and 2 polar nuclei


    1 egg cell and 1 secondary nucleus


    1 egg cell and 2 synergids

  11. Exalbuminous seeds are ________________


    Pea, castor, paddy


    Paddy, Coconut, Groundnut


    Beans, coconut, castor


    Groundnut, pea, beans

  12. Examine the figures and name the respective type of ovule.

    A B C D
    Campylotropous Amphitropous Circinotropous Anatropous
    A B C D
    Anatropous Hemianatropous Amphitropous Campylotropous
    A B C D
    Campylotropous Circinotropous Hemianatropous Anatropous
    A B C D
    Hemianatropous Campylotropous Amphitropous Circinotropous
  13. In anatropous ovule, the micropyle faces __________________


    Right side


    Left side





  14. Identify the correct sequence of anther wall layers from periphery towards core part.


    Epidermis ⟶ endothelium ⟶ stomium ⟶ tapetum


    Epidermis ⟶ middle layer ⟶ endothecium ⟶ endothelium


    Epidermis ⟶ endothelium ⟶ middle layers ⟶ tapetum


    Epidermis ⟶ endothelium ⟶ endothecium ⟶ tapetum

  15. Pick out the mismatched pair:


    Entomophily - Insects


    Malacophily - Mammals


    Cheiropterophily - Bats


    Omithophily - Birds

  16. 2 Marks

    10 x 2 = 20
  17. Write the names of organisms that undergo the following types of asexual reproduction.
    (a) Budding
    (b) fragmentation
    (c) Regeneration
    (d) Gemma cup formation.

  18. Name the vegetative propagules of the following plants
    (a) Allium cepa
    (b) Zingiber Officinalis
    (c) Agave
    (d) Colocasia

  19. What do you mean by terms 'stock' and 'scion' in grafting technique?

  20. Name the four anther wall layers.

  21. What is integumentary tapetum?

  22. Define Homogamy with an example

  23. Distinguish between monoecious and dioecious plants.

  24. Distinguish between anemophilous flowers and ornithophilous flowers

  25. What is the product of triple fusion? Mention its ploidy.

  26. What is scutellum?

  27. 3 Marks

    10 x 3 = 30
  28. Discuss the importance of Modern methods in reproduction of plants.

  29. What is Cantharophily.

  30. Why does the zygote divides only after the division of Primary endosperm cell.

  31. Where the stomium is located? What is its role?

  32. What do you know about bee pollen?

  33. Geitonogamy is similar to autogamy. Justify the statement.

  34. Double fertilization and triple fusion are correlated terms. Comment.

  35. Give an account on Helobial endosperm.

  36. Arrange the following events in a proper sequence.
    Embryogenesis, Zygote formation, Syngamy, Gametogenesis

  37. If you break open the coconut fruit, we can observe a fluid part and the white kernel. What does those parts represent?

  38. 5 Marks

    7 x 5 = 35
  39. Distinguish tenuinucellate and crassinucellate ovules.

  40. Write short note on Heterostyly.

  41. Discuss the steps involved in Microsporogenesis.

  42. With a suitable diagram explain the structure of an ovule.

  43. Differentiate the structure of Dicot and Monocot seed.

  44. Describe the development process of male gametophyte.(or) Explain the different mode of entry of pollen tube into the ovule.

  45. Describe the development of monosporic embryo sac.


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