New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

Botany - Ecosystem 2 Mark Creative Question Paper With Answer Key

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 30

    2 Marks

    15 x 2 = 30
  1. According to A.G. Tansley, what is an ecosystem?

  2. Mention any two climatic factors and edaphic factors of an ecosystem.

  3. Define 'Standing state' with regard to ecosystem.

  4. What are biotic components?

  5. Name the macro consumers and micro consumers.

  6. How will you define decomposers?

  7. What is standing crop?

  8. What do you mean by PAR? Mention its significance. (or) What is PAR?

  9. Point out the factors that affects the photosynthetically active radiation.

  10. Define Grey carbon and Black carbon.

  11. What is meant by productivity of an ecosystem?

  12. How Net Primary Productivity be derived?

  13. Expand GPP and define it.

  14. Write the name of four important aspects of ecosystem.

  15. State the role of herbivores and microconsumers in a terrestrial ecosystem.


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