New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

Botany - Plant Breeding 3 Mark Creative Question Paper With Answer Key

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 45

    3 Marks

    15 x 3 = 45
  1. In 1926, Vavilov initially proposed eight main geographic centres of crop origin. Mention any six of them.

  2. Name any three eminent plant breeders of Indian origin.

  3. How Rhizobium acts as an efficient bio-fertiIizer?

  4. Azolla increases the yield of paddy crop - support your answer.

  5. Mention any three advantages of Arbuscular mycorrhizal association.

  6. What makes the Trichoderma an effective bio-pesticide?

  7. Write a note on Green Manuring.

  8. Point out the objectives of plant breeding.

  9. Give an account on clonal selection.

  10. Write a short note on autopolyploidy with an example.

  11. Given below are the examples of symbiotic association in which one partner was mentioned. Write the name of the mutual co-partners.
    (a) Azolla fem + _________
    (b) Root nodules of legume plants + ______
    (c) phycomycetous fungi + ________

  12. Provide an example for each of the following agricultural components. (i) Bio pesticide (ii) Green manure crop (iii) Bio-FertiIizer

  13. State the objective of using green manuring.

  14. Why plant Breeding is carried out by farmers and scientists?

  15. Yesterday, Ramu visited his friend's Orchard, where in he noticed few flowers of certain guava trees are covered using thin paper bags.
    (I) Name the process carried out there.
    (ii) Why it was done so?


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