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12th Standard Biology English Medium Environmental Issues Reduced Syllabus Important Questions 2021

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 100

    Multiple Choice Questions

    15 x 1 = 15
  1. Which of the following would most likely help to slow down the greenhouse effect.


    Converting tropical forests into grazing land for cattle.


    Ensuring that all excess paper packaging is buried to ashes.


    Redesigning landfill dumps to allow methane to be collected.


    Promoting the use of private rather than public transport.

  2. With respect to Eichhornia
    Statement A: It drains off oxygen from water and is seen growing in standing water.
    Statement B: It is an indigenous species of our country.


    Statement A is correct and Statement B is wrong


    Both Statements A and B are correct


    Statement A is correct and Statement B is wrong.


    Both statements A and B are wrong

  3. One green house gas contributes 14% of total global warming and another contributes 6%. These are respectively identified as _____.


    N2O and CO2


    CFCs and N2O


    CH4 and CO2


    CH4 and CFCS

  4. The unit for measuring ozone thickness _____.









  5. People’s movement for the protection of environment in Sirsi of Karnataka is ______.


    Chipko movement


    Amirtha Devi Bishwas movement


    Appiko movement


    None of the above

  6. Which is not a greenhouse gas?









  7. Which is not a beneficial aspect of Agroforestry?


    Nutrient cycling is improved


    Balance in O2 - CO2 composition


    Suitable for wetland where rainfall is maximum


    Reduces water run-off problem 

  8. Which is not reduced by deforestation?


    Amount of habitat


    Amount of animal population


    Amount of biodiversity


    Amount of agricultural land

  9. Total number of forestry extension centres in Tamil Nadu is ______________









  10. Pick out the odd one out _____________


    Biosphere reserve


    National parks


    Wild life sanctuaries


    Botanical gardens

  11. Which is not a true statement regarding rainwater harvesting?


    Mitigates groundwater quality


    Reduces soil erosion


    Decreases soil salinity


    No wastage of land for storing

  12. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is defined in ________________


    Copenhagen Acord


    Montreal Protocol


    Paris Agreement


    Kyoto Protocol

  13. Assertion (A): CO2 is a main cause for global warming
    Reason (R): Greenhouse gases trap the radiant heat from sun


    A is correct R is incorrect.


    A is incorrect R is correct.


    R explains A.


    Both A and R are incorrect.

  14. Assertion (A): Prosopis juliflora is native to Afghanistan.
    Reason (R): Alien species refers to non-native species.


    A is correct R is incorrect.


    A is incorrect R is correct.


    R explains A.


    Both A and R are incorrect.

  15. Assertion (A): In zoological parks, the animals are maintained in their natural habitat.
    Reason (R): Ex-situ conservation refers to protecting species in their natural habitat.


    A is correct R is incorrect.


    A is incorrect R is correct.


    R explains A.


    Both A and R are incorrect.

  16. 2 Marks

    10 x 2 = 20
  17. Give four examples of plants cultivated in commercial agroforestry.

  18. Name any four greenhouse gases.

  19. List out the anthropogenic sources of Nitrous oxide.

  20. Where did Montreal Protocol was held? State its objectives.

  21. Define the term Agroforestry. Name any two major tree species cultivated in Agroforestry.

  22. Explain the term social forestry.

  23. Compare Deforestation and Afforestation

  24. What is invasive species?

  25. Mention any two historical community-level conservation movements held for the protection of environment.

  26. Carbon sequestration occurs naturally by plants and oceans. Name any four microalgal species involved in the process.

  27. 3 Marks

    10 x 3 = 30
  28. Which one gas is most abundant out of the four commonest greenhouse gases? Discuss the effect of this gas on the growth of plants?

  29. List out the effects of global warming.

  30. Mention any three sources of carbon dioxide emission.

  31. Give a detailed account on clean development mechanism.

  32. Prosopis juliflora, though an alien invasive species to India, it is beneficial to certain extent. Give reason.

  33. Write a short note on Chipko Movement.

  34. Give a brief account on In-situ conservation

  35. Explain the role of lakes in an ecosystem.

  36. Due to plastic ban scheme in our state, people are gradually switching over to other optional for daily activities. As a biology student, suggest few eco-friendly alternatives for this issue.

  37. Deforestation is creating various .adverse effect on environment. Enlist the consequences of deforestation.

  38. 5 Marks

    7 x 5 = 35
  39. Suggest a solution to water crisis and explain its advantages.

  40. Explain afforestation with case studies.

  41. What are the effects of deforestation and benefits of agroforestry?

  42. What are the objectives of Afforestation programme?

  43. How Eichhornia crassipes spoils the Indian ecosystem?

  44. Write a comparative note on Carbon Foot Print (CFP).

  45. Write short notes on Bio-monitoring.


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