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12th Standard Biology English Medium Free Online Test 1 Mark Questions 2020 - Part Three

12th Standard

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Time : 00:25:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 25

    Answer all the questions

    25 x 1 = 25
  1. Evolutionary history of an organism is called









  2. Allergy involves









  3. Recombinant Factor VIII is produced in the ______ cells of the Chinese Hamster


    Liver cells


    blood cells


    ovarian cells


    brain cells.

  4. Which of the following is correct for r-selected species


    Large number of progeny with small size


    large number of progeny with large size


    small number of progeny with small size


    small number of progeny with large size

  5. The Ozone Day is observed every year on September 16 as on this day in 1987 the ___________was signed for launching efforts to arrest the depletion of the fragile ozone layer in the stratosphere that prevents the harmful ultra-violet rays of the sun from reaching the earth. Fill the correct word in blank.


    Montreal Protocol


    Geneva Protocol


    Kyoto Protocol


    Nagoya Protocol

  6. A Plant called X possesses small flower with reduced perianth and versatile anther. The probable agent for pollination would be ____.









  7. Select the correct statement from the ones given below with respect to dihydrid cross.


    Tightly linked genes on the same chromosomes show very few combinations


    Tightly linked genes on the same chromosomes show higher combinations


    Genes far apart on the same chromosomes show very few recombinations


    Genes loosely linked on the same chromosomes show similar recombinations as the tightly linked ones

  8. The 1 : 2 : 1 ratio of co-dominance process Mendel's ___________


    Law of dominance


    Law of recessiveness


    Law of segregation


    Law of independent assortment

  9. Changing the codon AGC to AGA represents _______.


    missense mutation


    nonsense mutation


    frameshift mutation


    deletion mutation

  10. Observe the gene sequence and identify the types of aberration ABC BCD E F?


    Tandem duplication


    Simple duplication


    Reverse tandem duplication


    Displaced tandem duplication

  11. In which techniques Ethidium Bromide is used?


    Southern Blotting techniques


    Western Blotting techniques


    Polymerase Chain Reaction


    Agarose Gel Electroporesis

  12. Assertion (A): DMH -11 is a transgenic mustard.
    Reason (R): It is developed by using barnase/ barstar technology.


    Both A and R are wrong.


    A is right R is wrong.


    R explains A.


    A and R are right, R does not explain A.

  13. Which of the following statement is correct


    Agar is not extracted from marine algae such as seaweeds


    Callus undergoes differentiation and produces somatic embryoids.


    Surface sterilization of explants is done by using mercuric bromide


    PH of the culture medium is 5.0 to 6.0

  14. Assertion (A) : Development of root from callus is called caulogenesis.
    Reason (R) : Caulogenesis is the final step of protoplasmic fusion.


    Both A and R are correct but R is not a correct explanation to A


    R explains A


    A is correct R is incorrect


    Both A and R are incorrect

  15. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    Statement A : Cattle do not graze on weeds of Calotropis.
    Statement B : Calotropis have thorns and spines, as defense against herbivores.


    Both statements A and B are incorrect.


    Statement A is correct but statement B is incorrect


    Both statements A and B are correct but statement B is not the correct explanation of statement A.


    Both statements A and B are correct and statement B is the correct explanation of statement A.

  16. In a fresh water environment like pond, rooted autotrophs are ______.


    Nymphaea and typha


    Ceratophyllum and Utricularia


    Wolffia and pistia


    Azolla and lemna

  17. Statement 1: Holoparasites depend totally on other organisms for nutrition.
    Statement 2: Durnta is holoparasite.


    Statement 1 is correct. Statement 2 is incorrect.


    Statement 1 is incorrect. Statement 2 is correct


    Both the statements are correct.


    Both the statements are incorrect

  18. Significance of food web is / are ______.


    it does not maintain stability in nature


    it shows patterns of energy transfer


    it explains species interaction


    b and c

  19. Assertion (A): Pyramid of energy is upright.
    Reason (R): During the energy transfer at successive trophic levels from producers there will be a gradual decrease


    Both A and R are wrong


    A is right R is wrong


    R explains A


    A is right R is not the correct explanation for A

  20. Assertion (A): Social forestry refers to management of forests and afforestation on barren lands.
    Reason (R): Afforestation involves the cutting of trees.


    A is correct R is incorrect.


    A is incorrect R is correct.


    R explains A.


    Both A and R are incorrect.

  21. While studying the history of domestication of various cultivated plants _______ were recognized earlier


    Centres of origin


    Centres of domestication


    Centres of hybrid


    Centres of variation

  22. Observe the following statements and pick out the right option from the following:
    Statement I: The drug sources of Siddha include plants, animal parts, ores and minerals.
    Statement II: Minerals are used for preparing drugs with long shelf-life.


    Statement I is correct


    Statement II is correct


    Both statements are correct


    Both statements are wrong

  23. Identify the Tamil name for flaked rice









  24. B cells that produce and release large amounts of antibody are called


    Memory cells




    Plasma cells


    killer cells

  25. Lysozyme is an example of _______


    Anatomical barrier


    Physiological barrier


    Phagocytic barrier


    Inflammatory barrier


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