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12th Standard Biology English Medium Free Online Test Creative One Mark Questions with Answer Key - Part Two

12th Standard

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Time : 00:10:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 10

    Answer all the questions

    10 x 1 = 10
  1. The site of infection for yersinia pestis is___________






    Lymph nodes


    Nervous system

  2. Infection of Ascariasis occur due to ___________________


    Sand fly


    contaminated food


    mosquito bite


    stagnant water

  3. All the following are recombinant vaccines. Except


    Traditional vaccines


    Submit recombinant vaccines


    Attenuated recombinant vaccines


    DNA vaccines

  4. Study the four statements (A to D) given below and select the two correct ones out of them.
    A) A lion eating a deer and a sparrow feeding on grain are ecologically similar in being consumers.
    B) Predator starfish Pisaster helps in maintaining species diversity of some invertebrates.
    C) Predators ultimately lead to the extinction of prey species.
    D) Production of chemicals such as nicotine, strychnine by the plants is disordered.
    The two correct statements are


    (B) and (C)


    (C) and (D)


    (A) and (D)


    (A) and (B)

  5. Select the proper sequence indicating the increasing order of biodiversity.


    Polar, Temperate and Polar


    Tropics, Temperate and Polar


    Temperate, Tropic and Polar


    Polar, Tropic and Temperate

  6. UN conference on Sustainable development in 2012 was held at_______




    Rio de Janeiro





  7. The most common type of ovule noticed in dicots and monocots is









  8. Examine the figures and name the respective type of ovule.

    A B C D
    Campylotropous Amphitropous Circinotropous Anatropous
    A B C D
    Anatropous Hemianatropous Amphitropous Campylotropous
    A B C D
    Campylotropous Circinotropous Hemianatropous Anatropous
    A B C D
    Hemianatropous Campylotropous Amphitropous Circinotropous
  9. Assertion (A): Codominance is an example of intragenic interaction
    Reason (R): Interaction takes place between the alleles of the same gene


    A and R are correct R explains A


    A and R are incorrect


    A is correct R is incorrect


    A is incorrect R is correct

  10. Observe the diagram and name A and B.


    A - Plasmid B - Vector


    A - Nucleoid - B - Plasmid


    A - Bacterial chromosome B - Vector


    A - Nucleoid - B - x phage DNA


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