New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

Model 5 Mark Creative Questions (New Syllabus 2020)

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 105

    Part A

    21 x 5 = 105
  1. Given an account on following terms.
    (a) Hologamy
    (b) Isogamy
    (c) Anisogamy
    (d) Merogamy
    (e) Paedogamy

  2. Describe the structure of human ovary.

  3. Explain any five techniques of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).

  4. Write a note on thalassemia.

  5. Describe Hershey and Chase experiment. What is concluded by their experiment?

  6. Explain Oparin - Haldane hypothesis on evolution.

  7. Explain the events in life cycle of plasmodium in the secondary host/Man

  8. How microbes are used in Gobar gas production?

  9. Describe the role of PCR in clinical field.

  10. Write a note on grassland biome.

  11. Why Tropical regions are rich in biodiversity?

  12. List out the effects of air pollution.

  13. Describe the development of monosporic embryo sac.

  14. Describe incomplete dominance exhibited by Mirabilis jalapa.

  15. What is translocation? Write about its types.

  16. Explain Agarose Gel electrophoresis technique.

  17. Explain various edaphic factors that affect vegetation.

  18. Write in detail about Autogenic succession and Allogenic succession.

  19. Write a comparative note on Carbon Foot Print (CFP).

  20. Give a detailed account on anyone fibre yielding plant.

  21. Write a note on different types of antigen antibody reactions.


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