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12th Standard Biology English Medium principles and processes of Bio-technology Reduced Syllabus Important Questions With Answer Key 2021

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 100

    Multiple Choice Questions

    15 x 1 = 15
  1. Plasmids are ______.


    circular protein molecules


    required by bacteria


    tiny bacteria


    confer resistance to antibiotics

  2. Consider the following statements:
    I. Recombinant DNA technology is popularly known as genetic engineering is a stream of biotechnology which deals with the manipulation of genetic materials by man invitro
    II. pBR322 is the first artificial cloning vector developed in 1977 by Boliver and Rodriguez from E.coli plasmid
    III. Restriction enzymes belongs to a class of enzymes called nucleases.
    Choose the correct option regarding above statements


    I & II


    I & III


    II & III


    I,II & III

  3. The process of recombinant DNA technology has the following steps
    I. amplication of the gene
    II. Insertion of recombinant DNA into the host cells
    III. Cutting of DNA at specific location using restriction enzyme .
    IV. Isolation of genetic material (DNA) Pick out the correct sequence of step for recombinant DNA technology.


    II, III, IV, I


    IV, II, III, I


    I, II, III, IV


    IV, III, I, II

  4. Which one of the following palindromic base sequence in DNA can be easily cut at about the middle by some particular restriction enzymes?


    5' CGTTCG 3' 3' ATCGTA 5'


    5'GATATG 3'  3' CTACTA 5'


    5'GAATTC 3' 3' CTTAAG 5'


    5'CACGTA 3' 3' CTCAGT 5'

  5. Which of the following one is used as a Biosensors?









  6. Assertion (A): Agrobacterium tumefaciens is popular in genetic engineering because this bacterium is associated with the root nodules of all cereals and pulse crops
    Reason(R): A gene incorporated in the bacterial chromosomal genome gets automatically transferred to the cross with which bacterium is associated.


    Both assertion and reason are true. But reason is correct explanation of assertion.


    Both assertion and reason are true. But reason is not correct explanation of assertion.


    Assertion is true, but reason is false.


    Assertion is false, but reason is true


    Both assertion and reason are false.

  7. Some of the characteristics of Bt cotton are ______.


    Long fibre and resistant to aphids


    Medium yield, long fibre and resistant to beetle pests


    high yield and production of toxic protein crystals which kill dipteran pests.


    High yield and resistant to ball worms

  8. Zymology deals with __________


    Study of yeast fungus and its practical applications.


    Study of fermentation and its uses.


    Study of Bioreactors and their construction methodology.


    Study of zymase producing microbes and its benefits.

  9. Pick out the mismatched pair(s):
    (i) Amphotericin-B - Streptomyces notatum
    (ii) Penicillin - Penicillium nodosus
    (iii) Streptomycin - Streptomyces griseus
    (iv) Tetracycline - Streptomyces aureofaciens


    i and ii


    ii and iii


    iii and iv


    i only

  10. Identify the non-fungal species used in SCP production.
    (i) Candida
    (ii) Chlorella
    (iii) Chlamydomonas
    (iv) Cellulomonas


    i and ii


    ii and iii


    ii, iii and iv


    All the above

  11. Observe the diagram and name A and B.


    A - Plasmid B - Vector


    A - Nucleoid - B - Plasmid


    A - Bacterial chromosome B - Vector


    A - Nucleoid - B - x phage DNA

  12. Statement 1: YAC plasmid behaves like a yeast chromosome.
    Statement 2: Circular YAC multiplies in bacteria.


    Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is also correct.


    Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is incorrect


    Both the statements are incorrect.


    Statement 1 is incorrect and Statement 2 is correct.

  13. Statement 1: Liposomes are the artificial lipoprotein vesicles.
    Statement 2: Liposomes are highly used in gene transfer.


    Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is also correct.


    Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is incorrect.


    Both the statements are incorrect.


    Statement 1 is incorrect and Statement 2 is correct

  14. Assertion (A): DMH -11 is a transgenic mustard.
    Reason (R): It is developed by using barnase/ barstar technology.


    Both A and R are wrong.


    A is right R is wrong.


    R explains A.


    A and R are right, R does not explain A.

  15. Tetracycline is obtained from_________








    P. chryosogenum

  16. 2 Marks

    10 x 2 = 20
  17. How do you use the biotechnology in modern practice?

  18. You are working in a biotechnology lab with a bacterium namely E.coli. How will you cut the nucleotide sequence? explain it.

  19. Name the chemicals used in gene transfer.

  20. What are primary metabolites? Give example.

  21. What is Restriction Endonuclease?

  22. What is the role of DNA ligase in genetic engineering?

  23. Point out any two disadvantages of Bt cotton?

  24. What are polylinkers?

  25. Give the technical terminologies for the following statements.
    (a) Autonomous, self-replicating, circular DNA
    (b) Molecular scissors
    (c) Symmetrical repeated sequence in DNA strands
    (d) Mobile genetic elements

  26. Golden rice is a bio-fortified rice developed by rDNA technology. It differs from its parental strain by possessing 'psy' gene, 'crt-l' gene and 'lyc' gene which are responsible for beta - carotene synthesis.
    (a) Name the sources of the above mentioned genes.
    (b) Which disease can be controlled / prevented if a person's diet bas golden rice?

  27. 3 Marks

    10 x 3 = 30
  28. Mention the application of Biotechnology.

  29. What are restriction enzyme. Mention their type with role in Biotechnology.

  30. Mention any three historical events which took place in the 21st century for the development of biotechnology.

  31. Mention any three algal species used for SCP production.

  32. List out the application of single-cell protein.

  33. Give a short note on Alkaline phosphate.

  34. Explain the features of a vector.

  35. Draw and label Ti plasmid.

  36. How does shuttle vectors differ from other types of vectors?

  37. Write a brief note on Biolistics.

  38. 5 Marks

    7 x 5 = 35
  39. Compare the various types of Blotting techniques

  40. What is bioremediation? give some examples of bioremediation.

  41. Write the benefits and risk of Genetically Modified Foods.

  42. Explain in detail about various types of direct gene transfer method.

  43. Write a note on Replica plating technique.

  44. Explain Agarose Gel electrophoresis technique.

  45. Explain the procedure of Southern Blotting Technique. Southern Blotting Techniques - DNA


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