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12th Standard Biology English Medium Principles Of Ecology Reduced Syllabus Important Questions 2021

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 100

    Multiple Choice Questions

    15 x 1 = 15
  1. Arrange the correct sequence of ecological hierarchy starting from lower to higher level.


    Individual organism → Population Landscape → Ecosystem


    Landscape → Ecosystem → Biome → Biosphere


    community → Ecosystem → Landscape → Biome


    Population → organism → Biome → Landscape

  2. A specific place in an ecosystem, where an organism lives and performs its functions is _____.









  3. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    i) Hydrophytes possess aerenchyma to support themselves in water.
    ii) Seeds of Viscum are positively photoblastic as they germinate only in presence of light.
    iii) Hygroscopic water is the only soil water available to roots of plant growing in soil as it is present inside the micropores.
    iv) High temperature reduces use of water and solute absorption by roots


    i, ii, and iii only


    ii, iii and iv


    ii and iii only


    i and ii only

  4. Which of the given plant produces cardiac glycosides?









  5. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    i) Loamy soil is best suited for plant growth as it contains a mixture of silt, sand and clay.
    ii) The process of humification is slow in case of organic remains containing a large amount of lignin and cellulose.
    iii) Capillary water is the only water available to plant roots as it is present inside the micropores.
    iv) Leaves of shade plant have more total chlorophyll per reaction centre, low ratio of chl a and chl b are usually thinner leaves.


    i, ii and iii only


    ii, iii and iv only


    i, ii and iv only


    ii and iii only

  6. In soil water available for plants is ____.


    gravitational water


    chemically bound water


    capillary water


    hygroscopic water

  7. Read the following statements and fill up the blanks with correct option.
    i) Total soil water content in soil is called ______
    ii) Soil water not available to plants is called _______
    iii) Soil water available to plants is called _____.

    (i) (ii) (iii)
    Holard Echard Chresard
    i ii iii
    Echard Holard Chresard
    i ii iii
    Chresard Echard Holard
    i ii iii
    Holard Chresard Echard
  8. Column I represent the size of the soil particles and Column II represents type of soil components. Which of the following is correct match for the Column I and Column II

    Column - I Column - II
    I) 0.2 to 2.00 mm i) Slit Soil
    II) Less than 0.002 mm ii) Clayey Soil
    III) 0.002 to 0.02 mm iii) Sandy Soil
    IV) 0.002 to 0.2 mm iv) Loamy Soil
    ii iii iv i
    iv i iii ii
    iii ii i iv

    None of the above

  9. A free living nitrogen fixing cyanobacterium which can also form symbiotic association with the water fern Azolla ______.









  10. In a fresh water environment like pond, rooted autotrophs are ______.


    Nymphaea and typha


    Ceratophyllum and Utricularia


    Wolffia and pistia


    Azolla and lemna

  11. Match the following and choose the correct combination from the options given below:

    Column I (Interaction) Column II (Examples)
    I. Mutualism
    II. Commensalism
    III. Parasitism
    IV. Predation
    V. Amensalism
    i) Trichoderma and Penicillium
    ii) Balanophora, Orobanche
    iii) Orchids and Ferns
    iv) Lichen and Mycorrhiza
    v) Nepenthes and Diaonaea
    i ii iii iv v
    ii iii iv v i
    iii iv v i ii
    iv iii ii v i
  12. Autecology deals with the study of ___________.






    Individual species


    Niche of species

  13. Statement 1: Holoparasites depend totally on other organisms for nutrition.
    Statement 2: Durnta is holoparasite.


    Statement 1 is correct. Statement 2 is incorrect.


    Statement 1 is incorrect. Statement 2 is correct


    Both the statements are correct.


    Both the statements are incorrect

  14. Statement 1: Ephemerals are drought evaders.
    Statement 2: They are not true xerophytes.


    Statement 1 is correct. Statement 2 is incorrect.


    Statement 1 is incorrect. Statement 2 is correct.


    Both the statements are correct.


    Both the statements are incorrect

  15. Assertion (A) : Plains and valleys are rich in vegetation
    Reason (R): Slow drain of surface water and better water retention is noticed.


    A is true R is false


    R explains A


    A and R are false


    A and R are true. But R does not explains A

  16. 2 Marks

    10 x 2 = 20
  17. Define ecology.

  18. Distinguish habitat and niche

  19. What is Phytoremediation ?

  20. Describe the mutual relationship between the fig and wasp and comment on the phenomenon that operates in this relationship.

  21. What is Niche?

  22. What are ecological factors?

  23. Compare Euryhaline organisms with stenohaline organisms.

  24. Given below are few types of plants. Mention their habitats.
    (a) Halophytes
    (b) Chasmophytes
    (c) Cryophytes
    (d) Psammophytes.

  25. Mention any four topographic factors that affect vegetation.

  26. Point out any two morphological adaptations noticed in the roots of hydrophytes.

  27. 3 Marks

    10 x 3 = 30
  28. Lichen is considered as a good example of obligate mutualism. Explain.

  29. List any two adaptive features evolved in parasites enabling them to live successfully on their host?

  30. Water is very essential for life. Write any three features for plants which enable them to survive in water scarce environment.

  31. Why do submerged plants receive weak illumination than exposed floating plants in a lake?

  32. How is rhytidome act as the structural defence by plants against fire?

  33. What is myrmecophily?

  34. Differentiate habitat from niche.

  35. Explain briefly about the three types of fire.

  36. What are epiphytes? Explain their characteristic features

  37. Point out the Anatomical adaptations exhibited by the Halophytes.

  38. 5 Marks

    7 x 5 = 35
  39. List out the effects of fire to plants.

  40. Explain different types of hydrophytes with examples.

  41. Enumerate the anatomical adaptations of xerophytes.

  42. List out any five morphological adaptations of halophytes.

  43. What are the advantages of seed dispersal?

  44. Explain various edaphic factors that affect vegetation.

  45. Point out any five morphological adaptations of epiphytes.


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