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12th Standard Biology English Medium Reduced Syllabus Important Questions - 2021 Part - 1

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 02:45:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 165

    Multiple Choice Questions

    15 x 1 = 15
  1. Animals giving birth to young ones:








    Both a and b

  2. Assertion and reasoning questions:
    In each of the following questions there are two statements. One is assertion (A) and other is reasoning (R). Mark the correct answer as
    Assertion: Viviparous animals give better protection to their off springs.
    Reason: They lay their eggs in the safe places of the environment.
    A. If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
    B. If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A
    C. If A is true but R is false
    D. If both A and R are false.


    If both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A


    If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A


    If A is true but R is false


    If both A and R are false

  3. The mature sperms are stored in the ____.


    Seminiferous tubules


    Vas deferens




    Seminal vesicle

  4. The glandular accessory organ which produces the largest proportion of semen is ______.


    Seminal vesicle


    Bulbourethral gland


    Prostate gland


    Mucous gland

  5. The process which the sperm undergoes before penetrating the ovum is _____.




    Cortical reaction





  6. Assertion(A): In human male, testes are extra abdominal and lie in scrotal sacs.
    Reason(R): Scrotum acts as thermoregulator and keeps temperature lower by 2oC for normal sperm production.
    (a) A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A
    (b) A and R are true, R is not the correct explanation of A
    (c)  A is true, R is false
    (d) Both A and R are false


    A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A


    A and R are true, R is not the correct explanation of A


    A is true, R is false


    Both A and R are false

  7. A contraceptive pill prevents ovulation by ______.


    blocking fallopian tube


    inhibiting release of FSH and LH


    stimulating release of FSH and LH


    causing immediate degeneration of released ovum.

  8. The approach which does not give the defined action of contraceptive is


    Hormonal contraceptive-Prevents entry of sperms, prevent ovulation and fertilization


    Vasectomy-Prevents spermatogenesis


    Barrier method-Prevents fertilization


    Intra uterine device-Increases phagocytosis of sperms, suppresses sperm motility and fertilizing capacity of sperms

  9. Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the codes given below.

    Column I Column II
    A. Copper releasing IUD (i) LNG-20
    B. Hormone releasing (ii) Lippes loop IUD
    C. Non medicated IUD (iii) Saheli
    D. Mini pills (iv) Multiload-375
    A B C D
    (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
    A B C D
    (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
    A B C D
    (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)
    A B C D
    (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
  10. Which of the following phenotypes in the progeny are possible from the parental combination AxB?


    A and B only


    A,B and AB only


    AB only


    A, B, AB and O

  11. Father of a child is colourblind and mother is carrier for colourblindness, the probability of the child being colourblind is _____.









  12. Who is the founder of Modern Eugenics movement?






    Francis Galton


    Karl pearson

  13. Improvement of human race by encouraging the healthy persons to marry early and produce large number of children is called


    Positive eugenics


    Negative eugenics


    Positive euthenics


    Positive euphenics

  14. Which of the following is incorrect regarding ZW-ZZ type of sex determination?


    It occurs in birds and some reptiles


    Females are homogametic and males are heterogametic


    Male produce one type of gamete


    It occurs in gypsy moth

  15. E. coli cell grown on 15N medium are transferred to 14N medium and allowed to grow for two generations. DNA extracted from these cells is ultracentrifuged in a cesium chloride density gradient. What density distribution of DNA would you expect in this experiment?


    One high and one low density band


    One intermediate density band.


    One high and one intermediate density band.


    One low and one intermediate density band

  16. 2 Marks

    15 x 2 = 30
  17. Name the phenomenon where the female gamete directly develops into a new organism with an avian example.

  18. Which type of reproduction is effective -Asexual or sexual and why?

  19. Correct the following statements
    a) Transfer of an ovum collected from donor into the fallopian tube is called ZIFT.
    b) Transfering of an embryo with more than 8 blastomeres into uterus is called GIFT.
    c) Multiload 375 is a hormone releasing IUD.

  20. Differentiate - Leading stand and lagging strand

  21. List out the major gases seems to be found in the primitive earth.

  22. Name and explain the type of barriers which involve macrophages.

  23. Explain how “Rosie” is different from a normal cow

  24. Discuss the causes and effects of global warming. What measures need to be taken to control global warming?

  25. What is meant by true breeding or pure breeding lines / strain?

  26. When two different genes came from same parent they tend to remain together.
    i) What is the name of this phenomenon?
    ii) Draw the cross with suitable example.
    iii) Write the observed phenotypic ratio.

  27. What is the name of the process given below? Write its 4 types.

  28. What is Albedo effect and write their effects?

  29. The organic horizon is generally absent from agricultural soils because tilling, e.g., plowing, buries organic matter. Why is an organic horizon generally absent in desert soils ?

  30. Pyramid of energy is always upright. Give reasons

  31. Expand CCS. (or) What is CCS?

  32. 3 Marks

    15 x 3 = 45
  33. 'A' and 'B' are the male & female sex cells respectively which look alike and performs similar functions. 'A' and 'B' fuse to form a new individual 'D'. Which type of gametic fusion does this represent? Give an example

  34. What is corpus luteum?

  35. Name the different types of twins formed.

  36. Give a brief account on Leydig cells

  37. Luteal phase of menstrual cycle is also called as secretory phase. Why?

  38. Name the temporary endocrine organ for during pregnancy. Write its uses.

  39. What is embryo transfer technique?

  40. Complete the table by filling the gaps.

    Disease Causative agent Symptoms
    Gonnorrhea A Affects urethra & cervix, painful urination
    B Human Immuno Virus Enlarged lymph node, night sweat, weight
    Hepatitis Hepatitis-B- Virus C
  41. What is SRY?

  42. What is the role of the gene responsible for colour blindness in a normal human beings?

  43. What is Sex-switch gene?

  44. How Erythroblastosis foetalis can be prevented?

  45. What is a genetic code?

  46. Define termination in protein synthesis.

  47. What are the components of initiation complex of prokaryotic translation?

  48. 5 Marks

    15 x 5 = 75
  49. Explain parthenogenesis.

  50. Write a note on cervial cancer. (or) Write the risk factors for cervical cancer.

  51. Explain the properties of genetic material.

  52. Explain Urey & Miller's experiment.

  53. Describe the structure of HIV with a diagram

  54. List out the uses of Transgenesis

  55. Describe Population Age Distribution

  56. What is the significance of slope of regression in a species area relationship?

  57. What are some solutions to toxic dumping in our oceans?

  58. Enumerate the characteristic features of Entomophilous flowers

  59. Give a concise account on steps involved in fertilization of an angiosperm plant.

  60. What is gene mapping? Write its uses

  61. Write the advantages of herbicide tolerant crops

  62. What is soil profile? Explain the characters of different soil horizons.

  63. Enumerate the anatomical adaptations of xerophytes.


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