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Zoology - Microbes in Human Welfare 3 Mark Creative Question Paper With Answer Key

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 45

    3 Marks

    15 x 3 = 45
  1. Explain the role of cry-genes in genetically modified crops.

  2. Write the key features of organic farming.

  3. Justify the role of microbes as a bio-fertilizer

  4. Mention a therapeutic use of Yeast.

  5. How is yoghurt produced?

  6. How is cheese produced?

  7. How is bread prepared by microbial action?

  8. What is SCP?

  9. What is a fermenter or bioreactor?

  10. What is penicillin?

  11. What will happen if penicillin is administered to a person without checking for sensitivity?

  12. How can we avoid antibiotic resistance?

  13. How do statins help to control cholesterol levels?

  14. What is Cyclosporin A?

  15. What is 'activated sludge' in sewage treatment?


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