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Zoology - Principles of Inheritance and Variation 5 Mark Creative Question Paper With Answer Key

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 02:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 75

    5 Marks

    15 x 5 = 75
  1. Explain criss-cross pattern of inheritance with an example. (or) Explain Inheritance of colour blindness.

  2. Write a note on thalassemia.

  3. Write a note on allosomal chromosomal abnormalities.

  4. Discuss the methods adopted for the improvement of human race.

  5. Write a note on any 2 Mendelian disorders occurring in human beings.

  6. Write notes on chromosomal abnormalities in human beings. (or) What is aneuploidy? Explain it

  7. Explain in detail about Erythroblastosis foetalis.

  8. Write elaborately about the following Mendelian disorders.
    (a) Thalassemia (b) Albinism

  9. What is colour Blindness? How X-linked gene inherited in the marriage between hemizygous recessive male and normal visioned woman?

  10. (i) Define Chromosomal Abnormality
    (ii) Explain any two Autosomal Aneuploidy in human beings.

  11. Give a brief and complete account of incompatibility of Rh-factor-Erythroblastosis foetalis.

  12. Differentiate mendelian disorder from chromosomal disorder.

  13. Describe the following individual having following chromosomal abnormalities.
    (a) Trisomy of 21th chromosome
    (b) XXY
    (c) XO

  14. A normal visioned women, whose father is colour blind, marries a normal visioned man. What would be probability of her sons and daughters to be colour blind? Explain with pedigree chart.

  15. (a) How the genetic disorders are divided?
    (b) List out the dominant and recessive mendelian disorder.
    (c) Briefly discuss
    (i) Haemophilia
    (ii) Colour blindness
    (iii) Huntington's chorea


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