New ! Biology MCQ Practise Tests

Zoology - Evolution Model Question Paper

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 02:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 60
    10 x 1 = 10
  1. The first life on earth originated


    in air


    on land


    in water


    on mountain

  2. The phenomenon of “ Industrial Melanism” demonstrates


    Natural selection


    induced mutation


    reproductive isolation


    geographical isolation

  3. Who proposed the Germplasm theory?




    August Weismann




    Alfred Wallace

  4. Fossils are generally found in


    igneous rocks


    metamorphic rocks


    volcanic rocks


    sedimentary rocks

  5. The golden age of reptiles was


    Mesozoic era


    Cenozoic era


    Paleozoic era


    Proterozoic era

  6. The Neanderthal man had the brain capacity of


    650 – 800cc







  7. The term biogenesis was coined by


    Thomas Huxley


    Henry Bastian





  8. ___________  is called age of fishes









  9. Human evolution occured in _____________ era









  10. A population will not exist in Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium if


    Individuals mate selectively


    There are no mutations


    There is no migration


    The population is large

  11. 5 x 1 = 5
  12. Sewall Wright

  13. (1)

    350 - 450 cc

  14. ALXl

  15. (2)


  16. Coacervates

  17. (3)


  18. Prebiotic soup

  19. (4)


  20. Australopithecus

  21. (5)

    Genetic drift

    2 x 2 = 4
  22. Assertion: Hardy Weinberg's law is applicable only based on certain assumptions.
    Reason: The law can be considered if nature acts as a selective force.
    (a) A is in the and R is the covered the explanation of A
    (b) A and R right but R is not the correct separation of A
    (c) A is correct R is false
    (d) Both A & B are false

  23. Assertion: Mutations produced every generation will accumulate over generations to produce a new species.
    Reason: Sudden and large variations cannot produce heritable changes.
    (a) A is in the and R is the covered the explanation of A
    (b) A and R right but R is not the correct separation of A
    (c) A is correct R is false
    (d) Both A & B are false

  24. 2 x 2 = 4
  25. (a) Fishes
    (b) Marsupials
    (c) Placental mammals
    (d) Oenothera

  26. (a) Overproduction
    (b) Variation
    (c) Use and disuse
    (d) Origin of species

  27. 6 x 2 = 12
  28. List out the major gases seems to be found in the primitive earth.

  29. Explain the three major categories in which fossilization occur?

  30. How does Hardy-Weinberg’s expression (p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1) explain that genetic equilibrium is maintained in a population? List any four factors that can disturb the genetic equilibrium.

  31. Mention the main objections to Darwinism.

  32. State the Biogenetic law.

  33. List the four eras of geological time scale.

  34. 5 x 3 = 15
  35. Who disproved Lamarck’s Theory of acquired characters? How?

  36. Rearrange the descent in human evolution
    Austrolopithecus → Homo erectus → Homo sapiens → Ramapithecus → Homo habilis.

  37. Differentiate between the eating habit and brain size of Australopithecus and Ramapithecus.

  38. Define evolution.

  39. Define microevolution.

  40. 2 x 5 = 10
  41. Mention any three similarities found common in Neanderthal man and Homo sapiens.

  42. Explain Urey & Miller's experiment.


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