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12th Standard Botany English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions 2020

12th Standard

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Time : 00:20:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 20

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    20 x 1 = 20
  1. First cell of male gametophyte in angiosperm is ______.








    Primary Endosperm Nucleus

  2. Which of the following plant was introduced as a contaminant into India along with wheat?


    Parthenium hysterophorus


    Zea mays


    Rosa indica


    Mangifera indica

  3. Identify the correct statement.


    Grafting is a modem method of artificial propagation.


    The plant which is used for graft is Scion.


    In tongue grafting, the scion bud is placed inside the incision beneath bark.


    Grafting is usually carried out in monocot plants.

  4. The genotype of a plant showing the dominant phenotype can be determined by _____.


    Back cross


    Test cross


    Dihybrid cross


    Pedigree analysis

  5. Assertion (A): Test cross is done between F2 hybrid with F1 recessive
    Reason (R): It helps to identify the homozygosity of hybrids


    A and R are correct R explains A


    A and R are incorrect


    A is correct R is incorrect


    A is incorrect R is correct

  6. Which is not a feature of the chromosomal theory of inheritance?


    Somatic cells of organisms are derived from zygote by repeated meiosis.


    Chromosomes retain their structural uniqueness throughout the life of an organism.


    Mendelian factors are located in chromosomes


    Sutton and Boveri independently proposed the theory.

  7. Transition type of gene mutation is caused when__________


    AC is replaced by GT


    AG is replaced by TC


    AC is replaced by TG


    TC is replaced by AG

  8. Statement 1: Pairing of homologous chromosome is called as syndesis.
    Statement 2: Proterminal synapsis occurs from telomeres.


    Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is incorrect


    Statement 1 is incorrect and Statement 2 is correct


    Both the statements are correct


    Both the statements are incorrect

  9. The process of recombinant DNA technology has the following steps
    I. amplication of the gene
    II. Insertion of recombinant DNA into the host cells
    III. Cutting of DNA at specific location using restriction enzyme .
    IV. Isolation of genetic material (DNA) Pick out the correct sequence of step for recombinant DNA technology.


    II, III, IV, I


    IV, II, III, I


    I, II, III, IV


    IV, III, I, II

  10. The bacteria responsible for causing Crown Gall:


    Escherichia coli


    Bacillus subtilis


    Bacillus thuringiensis


    Agrobacterium tumefaciens

  11. Statement 1: Liposomes are the artificial lipoprotein vesicles.
    Statement 2: Liposomes are highly used in gene transfer.


    Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is also correct.


    Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is incorrect.


    Both the statements are incorrect.


    Statement 1 is incorrect and Statement 2 is correct

  12. Tetracycline is obtained from_________








    P. chryosogenum

  13. Select the incorrect statement from given statement.


    A tonic used for cardiac arrest is obtained from Digitalis purpurea


    Medicine used to treat Rheumatic pain is extracted from Capsicum annum


    An anti malarial drug is isolated from Cinchona officinalis.


    Anti-cancinogenic property is not seen in Catharanthus roseus.

  14. Assertion (A) : Protoplasts are cells devoid of cell wall.
    Reason (R) : Secondary metabolites are synthesized by protoplasmic fusion.


    Both A and R are correct but R is not a correct explanation to A


    R explains A


    A is correct R is incorrect


    Both A and R are incorrect

  15. Identify the cryoprotectant


    Dimethyl formamide






    Sodium alginate

  16. Assertion (A) : Plains and valleys are rich in vegetation
    Reason (R): Slow drain of surface water and better water retention is noticed.


    A is true R is false


    R explains A


    A and R are false


    A and R are true. But R does not explains A

  17. The bottom most zone of a pond is termed as .


    Limnetic zone


    Littoral zone


    Benthic zone


    Profundal zone

  18. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is defined in ________________


    Copenhagen Acord


    Montreal Protocol


    Paris Agreement


    Kyoto Protocol

  19. Who is popularly called as the "father of green revolution in India"?


    Nel Jeyaraman


    Dr. M.S. Swaminathan


    Dr. Nammalvar


    N.G.P. Rao

  20. The plant source of Marijuana is ________


    Andrograph is paniculata


    Phyllanthus maderspatensis


    Cannabis sativa


    Papaver somniferum


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