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12th Standard Botany English Medium Free Online Test One Mark Questions with Answer Key 2020

12th Standard

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Time : 00:20:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 20

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    20 x 1 = 20
  1. Arrange the layers of anther wall from locus to periphery


    Epidermis, middle layers, tapetum, endothecium


    Tapetum, middle layers, epidermis, endothecium


    Endothecium, epidermis, middle layers, tapetum


    Tapetum, middle layers endothecium epidermis

  2. A typical anther is ________________









  3. Observe the diagram and select the correct option mentioning the parts A, B, C and D

    A B C D
    Radicle Cotyledon Testa Plumule
    A B C D
    Plumule Cotyledon Testa Radicle
    A B C D
    Cotyledon Testa Plumule Radicle
    A B C D
    Plumule Radicle Testa Cotyledon
  4. The genotype of a plant showing the dominant phenotype can be determined by _____.


    Back cross


    Test cross


    Dihybrid cross


    Pedigree analysis

  5. Select the period for Mendel’s hybridization experiments.


    1856 - 1863


    1850 - 1870


    1857 - 1869


    1870 - 1877

  6. What is the phenotypic ratio in case of incomplete dominance?


    9: 7


    3: 1


    1: 2 : 1


    1: 1 : 1 : 1

  7. How many map units separate two alleles A and B if the recombination frequency is 0.09?


    900 cM


    90 cM


    9 cM


    0.9 cM

  8. Which is not a feature of the chromosomal theory of inheritance?


    Somatic cells of organisms are derived from zygote by repeated meiosis.


    Chromosomes retain their structural uniqueness throughout the life of an organism.


    Mendelian factors are located in chromosomes


    Sutton and Boveri independently proposed the theory.

  9. Assertion (A): Polyploidy is common in plants.
    Reason (R): Polyploids possess more than 2 basic sets of chromosomes.


    A is true R is false


    Both A and R are false


    A is true, R is not correct explanation for A


    R explains A

  10. The bacteria responsible for causing Crown Gall:


    Escherichia coli


    Bacillus subtilis


    Bacillus thuringiensis


    Agrobacterium tumefaciens

  11. Statement 1: Bioventing procedure increases 02 flow to accelerate degradation of pollutants.
    Statement 2: Bioaugmentation uses microbes to recover metal pollutants from contaminated sites.


    Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is also correct.


    Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is incorrect


    Both the statements are incorrect.


    Statement 1 is incorrect and Statement 2 is correct.

  12. Identify the plant tissue used for virus free germplasm


    Apical meristem


    Intercalary meristem


    Lateral meristem


    Plate meristem

  13. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    i) Loamy soil is best suited for plant growth as it contains a mixture of silt, sand and clay.
    ii) The process of humification is slow in case of organic remains containing a large amount of lignin and cellulose.
    iii) Capillary water is the only water available to plant roots as it is present inside the micropores.
    iv) Leaves of shade plant have more total chlorophyll per reaction centre, low ratio of chl a and chl b are usually thinner leaves.


    i, ii and iii only


    ii, iii and iv only


    i, ii and iv only


    ii and iii only

  14. Pond is a type of ______.


    forest ecosystem


    grassland ecosystem


    marine ecosystem


    fresh water ecosystem

  15. Photosynthetically Active Radiation ranges between the wavelength of __________


    400 - 600 nm


    600 - 700 nm


    400 - 500 nm


    400 - 700 nm

  16. Which type of ecosystem service does the genetic resources comes under?


    Provisioning services


    Supporting services


    Regulating services


    Cultural services

  17. Assertion (A): Prosopis juliflora is native to Afghanistan.
    Reason (R): Alien species refers to non-native species.


    A is correct R is incorrect.


    A is incorrect R is correct.


    R explains A.


    Both A and R are incorrect.

  18. Match column I (crop) with column II (Corresponding disease resistant variety) and select the correct option from the given codes.

    Column I Column II
    I) Cowpea i) Himgiri
    II) Wheat ii) Pusa komal
    III) Chilli iii) Pusa Sadabahar
    IV) Brassica iv) Pusa Swarnim
    iv iii ii i
    ii i iii iv
    ii iv i iii
    i iii iv ii
  19. Intraspecific hybridization is also termed as __________ 


    Intravarietal hybridization


    Intervarietal hybridization


    Interspecific hybridization


    Intergeneric hybridization

  20. The plant source of Marijuana is ________


    Andrograph is paniculata


    Phyllanthus maderspatensis


    Cannabis sativa


    Papaver somniferum


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