New ! Business Maths and Statistics MCQ Practise Tests

Numerical Methods Model Question Paper

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Business Maths

Time : 02:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 60
    7 x 1 = 7
  1. Δ2y0 = _______.


    y−2y+ y0


    y+ 2y− y0


    y2 + 2y1 + y0


    y+ y+ 2y0

  2. Δf(x) = _______.


    f(x+ h)


    f(x) − f(x+h)


    f(x + h) − f(x)


    f (x) − f(x−h)

  3. If m and n are positive integers then ΔmΔnf(x) = _______.


    Δm+nf (x)




    Δnf (x)


    Δm-nf (x)

  4. E f (x)= _______.


    f(x− h)


    f (x)


    f(x+ h)


    f(x+ 2h)

  5. ∇ f(a) = _______.


    f (a) + f(a−h)


    f (a) − f(a + h)


    f (a) − f(a − h)


    f (a)

  6. Lagrange’s interpolation formula can be used for _______.


    equal intervals only


    unequal intervals only


    both equal and unequal intervals


    none of these.

  7. If f (x)=x+ 2x + 2 and the interval of differencing is unity then Δf (x) _______.


    2x −3


    2x +3


    x + 3


    x − 3

  8. 5 x 1 = 5
  9. (1)

    1 + ∆

  10. E

  11. (2)

    E - 1

  12. (3)


  13. E (Δf(x))

  14. (4)

    Δ . E. f(x)

  15. When 3 values are given, the polynomial which fits the data is of

  16. (5)


    3 x 2 = 6
  17. E2f(x) =
    (a) E (E (f(x))
    (b) E (f(x + h)
    (c) f(x + 2h)
    (d) F(x + h)

  18. In the set of values f(x) = y, x is called
    (a) independent variable
    (b) dependent variable
    (c) argument
    (d) x - variable

  19. 4y3=
    (a) (E - 1)3y3
    (b) (E4 - 4E3 + 6E2 - 4E + 1)y3
    (c) y7 - 4y6 + 6y5 4y4 +y3
    (d) (E - 1)4y3

  20. 3 x 2 = 6
  21. (c) ∆f(x) = f(x + h) - f(x)
    (b) Enf(x) = f(x)
    (c) ∇f(x) = f(x) - f(x - h)
    (d) E.f(x) = f(x + h)

  22. Using interpolation the polynomial which passes through the points (0,7), (5. 0), (3, 6) and (2, 5) is
    (a) cubic polynomial
    (b) a polynomial of degree 3
    (c) linear polynomial
    (d) y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d, a ≠ 0

  23. The missing term in the following data will be

    x 1 2 3
    f(X) 2 - 7

    (a) f(2)
    (b) 3
    (c) 5
    (d) 22 + 1

  24. 7 x 2 = 14
  25. Evaluate ∆(log ax).

  26. If f(x) = x+ 3x then show that Δf(x) = 2x + 4

  27. Find the missing entries from the following

    x 0 1 2 3 4 5
    y = f(x) 0 - 8 15 - 35
  28. Using Newton’s forward interpolation formula find the cubic polynomial.

    x 0 1 2 3
    f(x) 1 2 1 10
  29. Use Lagrange’s formula and estimate from the following data the number of workers getting income not exceeding Rs. 26 per month

    Income not exceeding (Rs) 15 25 30 35
    No. of workers 36 40 45 48
  30. Find f(0.5) if f(−1) = 202, f (0)= 175, f(1) = 82 and f(2) = 55

  31. If u0 = 560, u1 = 556, u2 = 520, u4 = 385, show that u3 = 465

  32. 4 x 3 = 12
  33. Construct a forward difference table for y = f(x) = x3+2x+1 for x = 1,2,3,4,5

  34. Prove that f(4) = f(3) + Δf(2) + Δ2 f(1) + Δ3 f(1) taking ‘1’ as the interval of differencing.

  35. Given U0 = 1, U1 = 11, U2 = 21, U3 = 28 and U4 = 29 find Δ4U0

  36. Estimate the production for 1964 and 1966 from the following data

    Year 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967
    Production 200 220 260 - 350 - 430
  37. 2 x 5 = 10
  38. From the following table find the number of students who obtained marks less than 45.

    Marks 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
    No. of Students 31 42 51 35 31
  39. Using Lagrange’s interpolation formula find y(10) from the following table:

    x 5 6 9 11
    y 12 13 14 16


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