New ! Commerce MCQ Practise Tests

Company Management 5 Mark Creative Question Paper With Answer Key

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :


Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 60

    5 Marks

    12 x 5 = 60
  1. Explain composition of the board of directors.

  2. List the disqualification of a directors.

  3. Explain how director of a company can be removed from the office.

  4. What is the maximum limit for the Managerial remuneration?

  5. What are the duties of a directors?

  6. State the powers of the directors.

  7. Briefly explain the legal position of Director.

  8. Briefly explain the general provisions relating to appointment of directors.

  9. Explain the rights of directors.

  10. What is the Managerial Remuneration?

  11. Differentiate between Managing Director and Wholetime Directors.

  12. Mr.Raghu is appointed as a Director in a company. Is he personally liable to third parties? If so, under what circumstances is he liable?


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