New ! Computer Applications MCQ Practise Tests

Model 2 Mark Book Back Questions (New Syllabus) 2020

12th Standard

    Reg.No. :

Computer Applications

Time : 01:00:00 Hrs
Total Marks : 36

    Part A

    18 x 2 = 36
  1. Define Animation and their features.

  2. Differentiate Ellipse tool from Ellipse frame tool.

  3. What is view in SQL?

  4. Is PHP a case sensitive language?

  5. Usage of Array in PHP.

  6. Write the Syntax of Switch statement.

  7. Write Syntax of while loop in PHP.

  8. Define File handling in PHP

  9. What is web Database?

  10. What are the common uses of computer network? 

  11. What are the types of RFID tags?

  12. What are the types of IP address?

  13. Write a note on the types of RJ45 connector.

  14. Write short notes on NS2.

  15. Distinguish between E-Business and E-Commerce

  16. Explain the concept of e-wallet.

  17. Define non-repudiation.

  18. What are the 4 major components of EDI?


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